Snoopy’s In Love

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  Snoopy has a date—and a girlfriend!
  The good-natured beagle, the world’s most famous comic-strip dog, moves on from his 65-year-long bachelor life in the upcoming animated feature film The Peanuts Movie. The 20th Century Fox title is released in 3-D and DMax versions in mainland cinemas on Nov 6, the same day as its global release.
  Following two storylines, the tale tells about Snoopy’s imaginary-world heroic rescue of the lovable puppy Fifi, and his best human friend Charlie Brown’s too-shy-to-speak-out love of a red-haired new classmate. “The new character, Fifi, who was mentioned many times in the comic strip but never drawn, is a big part of Snoopy’s adventure,” says director Steve Martino, who is known for Ice Age: Continental Drift, during a media event in Beijing on Oct 14.
  To attract more Chinese, Martino says that the crew has designed many 3-D effects for the world’s second-largest market, which has a great number of 3-D screens in the nation’s 5,800 theaters.
  Since the American cartoonist Charles M. Schulz created Snoopy in 1950, the naughty boy-like dog has influenced several generations and has become a cultural icon in the United States. On April 9, 1965, Time magazine selected Snoopy and his human friends-Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder and Lucy-to feature on the cover.
  For most Chinese adults, the earliest memory of the black-and-white beagle may be traced back to early 1980. Though the last cinema was released around 35 years ago, Snoopy still owns high recognition thanks to his image’s wide use on products, such as toys, costumes and school stationery.
  Snoopy’s micro blog is followed by nearly 350,000 fans on Sina Weibo. On the country’s largest online platform, Baidu Tieba, up to 77,200 comments can been traced on a forum named after the puppy.
  To stay faithful to Snoopy and the Peanuts gang was a big challenge to Martino and his team.
  “I always wanted to look around Charlie Brown and Snoopy’s world when I was a kid ... and I really hope Chinese audiences will go into Charlie Brown and his dog’s world and take it as real,” says the director, who received his first Snoopy-related gift when he was 6. When asked about Snoopy’s cultural greatness, Martino says that the dog is one of the oldest and largest balloons in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. “Snoopy is a very simple and attractive design with a beautiful shape. Schulz put humanity into him and he said Snoopy was everything that he wanted to be,” says Martino, who believes Snoopy in some sense stands for the US spirit of optimism and bravery.
  beagle n. 比格猎犬
  bachelor n. 单身汉
  crew n. 剧组
  cultural icon 文化标志,文化偶像
  stationery n. 文具用品
  optimism n. 积极
  (Do you know anything about Snoopy? Will you watch the movie?)
  过去就有许多动画工作室主动联系查尔斯·舒尔茨的家人,希望可以将《花生漫画》搬上大银幕,但都被委婉拒绝,最后其家人终于同意由蓝天工作室将其制作成动画电影,并在去年11月上映。导演史蒂夫·马蒂诺说: “我们要做的是把《花生漫画》带给大众的感受渲染在大银幕上,漫画中的角色不会改变,但将会以全新的形态展现他们几十年来带给大众的美好。”
  《The Peanuts Movie》中另一个瞩目焦点就是菲菲(Fifi),这只白色的法国贵宾狗从未在漫画中现身过,但熟知史努比的花生粉们一定知道菲菲在早期电视版动画中曾经现身,这次也将在电影中扮演重要的角色——她在陪着史努比追逐他的头号克星红色男爵(The Red Baron)的旅途中,发展出一段狗狗的浪漫爱情。
这个老是走终南捷径的家伙  从不用隐喻或象征  在我的头顶大声宣读  天气预报  作出关心人类的种种举动  我没有怀疑 这爱的力量  让每棵树彼此看见自己  在有光的日子里 低头辨认  哪个是影子哪个能从身体里分离  长出绿色枝叶 随人流缓缓前进  一些从不经过树下的人  也试图把自己融入  在春暖花开的山坡  种下与春风比肩的树苗  这是我的阳光  透过整个城市的玻璃窗  一间屋子 全是椅子  
1  有多少年了,我的目光为什么要落在一根又一根的缆绳上?我问自己。  做水手的时候,睡在船舱里,夜晚的梦,事实上是被缆绳牵住的。船靠泊在码头趸船,缆绳在系住岸上那一个个地名时,也将我的梦一次又一次带到那些熟悉或陌生的地方,并在城市或乡野的岸边,如雾一般地弥漫开来。风平浪静时,舷下的江水,依然会流出哗哗的响声;这流水的响声,就蕴藏在湍急的江水内部,仿佛也与江水一起,能够反射天光,照亮了我的梦境,也