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湖北江山机械厂是兵器工业总公司所属国家大型Ⅱ档综合性机械加工企业。建厂20多年来,为国家国防现代化建设曾做出过突出贡献,仅“六五”和“七五”期间累计为国家上缴利税8000多万元。近年来,该厂以“不靠军品靠民品,开拓市场求发展”的新思路,大胆探索,努力创新,取得了可喜的成绩。1993年底,实现了建厂以来的“三个第一”。即:产值首次突破亿元大关,民品产值首次超过了军品产值,销售收入首次超过亿元。去年1-11月,工业总产值又比1993年同期增长了39.8%。这些成绩的取得,最主要的是该厂在实行厂长、书记一肩挑的同时,也相应地建立和坚持了与之相配套的工作制度和工作原则。说到底,得利于很好地坚持了民主集中制。 Hubei Jiangshan Machinery Factory is a national large-scale II-stage comprehensive mechanical processing enterprise affiliated to the Ordnance Industry Corporation. Over the past 20 years, the company has made outstanding contributions to the national modernization of national defense. During the “sixth five-year” period and the “seventh five-year plan period,” it has accumulated over 80 million yuan in profits and taxes. In recent years, the factory has been exploring new ideas of “do not depend on civilian products and relying on civilian products to open up the market for development”. It has boldly explored and worked hard to innovate and achieved gratifying results. At the end of 1993, it achieved the “three firsts” since the establishment of the factory. That is, the output value exceeds 100 million yuan for the first time, and the output value of civilian products exceeds the output value of military products for the first time, and sales revenue exceeds 100 million yuan for the first time. From January to November last year, the total industrial output value increased by 39.8% over the same period in 1993. The main achievement of these achievements was that while the factory had implemented the director and secretary at the same time, it also established and maintained corresponding working systems and working principles accordingly. In the final analysis, it has benefited from its adherence to democratic centralism.
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1杰从face baby走出来的时候,一头栽倒在那棵石榴树旁边,呕吐不止。彼时有个面容清淡的女孩走过去,犹豫了一下,停下脚步在想是不是扶他一把,只是一瞬间的工夫,最后还是走了。
一只落在你发穗  一只落在你鼻子尖  一只落在你左耳垂,又飞  到你右耳垂  一只落在你左眼帘,又飞  到你右眼帘  一只落在你嘴唇  一只落在你手指  用细细的脚爬呀爬  还有一只在空中旋着  不落下来  那就是我呀  为什么看见我来了  还不变上树叶  摆好蚜虫  我多么想落在你变的树上呀
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