,Covalent bonding and J-J mixing effects on the EPR parameters of Er3+ions in GaN crystal

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fjsgxxs
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The EPR parameters of trivalent Er~(3+) ions doped in hexagonal Ga N crystal have been studied by diagonalizing the 364×364 complete energy matrices. The results indicate that the resonance ground states may be derived from the Kramers doublet Γ_6. The EPR g-factors may be ascribed to the stronger covalent bonding and nephelauxetic effects compared with other rare-earth doped complexes, as a result of the mismatch of ionic radii of the impurity Er~(3+)ion and the replaced Ga~(3+) ion apart from the intrinsic covalency of host Ga N. Furthermore, the J–J mixing effects on the EPR parameters from the high-lying manifolds have been evaluated. It is found that the dominant J–J mixing contribution is from the manifold ~2K_(15/2), which accounts for about 2.5%. The next important J–J contribution arises from the crystal–field mixture between the ground state ~4I_(15/2) and the first excited state~4I_(13/2), and is usually less than 0.2%. The contributions from the rest states may be ignored. The EPR parameters of trivalent Er ~ (3+) ions in hexagonal Ga N crystal have been studied by diagonalizing the 364 × 364 complete energy matrices. The results indicate that the resonance ground states may be derived from the Kramers doublet Γ_6. The EPR g-factors may be ascribed to the stronger covalent bonding and nephelauxetic effects compared with other rare-earth doped complexes, as a result of the mismatch of ionic radii of the impurity Er ~ (3 +) ion and replaced Ga ~ (3+ ) ion apart from the intrinsic covalency of host Ga N. Further, the J-J mixing effects on the EPR parameters from the high-lying manifolds have been evaluated. It is found that the dominant J-J mixing contribution is from the manifold ~ 2K_ (15/2), which accounts for about 2.5%. The next important J-J contribution arises from the crystal-field mixture between the ground state ~ 4I_ (15/2) and the first excited state ~ 4I_ (13/2 ), and is usually less than 0.2%. The contributions from the rest states may be ignored.
同学们学习二元一次方程組时,常因知识点掌握不牢固,解题时粗心等原因导致出错。现将这部分内容中易犯的三种典型错误剖析如下,希望同学们引以为鉴。  一、概念出错
“丫头,快来一下,看看这些衣服还要不要了?”  我闻声走过去,抚摸着已微微泛黄的衣服,温暖如那依旧轻柔的触感,缓缓流过我的心田,也勾起了我的回忆。  童年,乡村,我最爱的地方不是有美味野果的田野,不是有鱼虾嬉戏的池塘,而是一间有些老旧的砖瓦屋,那是一个裁缝的家。  裁缝的家被许许多多的布料占据着,就像一个迷宫,仿佛藏着无数新奇的东西。裁缝是村中唯一一个会做衣服的人,因此,每逢过节,大家都会买上几尺
本试验于2012年10月-2015年3月在扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院进行,以杜梨(Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge)、豆梨(Hyrus calleryana Decne)、砂梨(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai)、川梨(P
盼望着,盼望着,按下手印的小岗村村民在忐忑不安中,终于等来了改革开放的春风。弹指一挥间,这春风已在中华大地吹拂了四十年,我的家乡又发生了哪些变化呢?趁着国庆假期,我决定陪着爸爸回老家看看。  我们驱车进了山,沿山的水泥小道早已被拓宽成了柏油大道。曾经外出只能步行的“泥腿子”们,一个个开上了小汽车。聽爸爸说,这里在改革开放以前是个荒凉的地方。可如今,青山就像小姑娘一样美丽,山脚下遍地的鲜花和药草是她
在我上小学时,曾经遇到过一件让自己又羞愧、又感动的事。这件事为我上了一节人生的课,给我留下深刻的印象。在此,我向大家分享一下这堂不一样的课。  “哗哗——”秋风起,树叶掉。今天又轮到我值日,负责清扫这一片地上的落叶和垃圾。正午时分,太阳有力地发出光和热,我那瘦小的身躯与那硕大的扫把极不协调,即使是秋天,我的额头上依然沁出粒粒汗珠。这要扫到猴年马月啊?望着那树叶成堆的一片地,我的心里拔凉拔凉的。  