
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acmi99
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In this paper, we compared the concept of agricultural drought and its relationship with other types of droughts and reviewed the progress of research on agricultural drought monitoring indices on the basis of station data and remote sensing. Applicability and limitations of different drought monitoring indices were also compared. Meanwhile, development history and the latest progress in agricultural drought monitoring were evaluated through statistics and document comparison, suggesting a transformation in agricultural drought monitoring from traditional single meteorological monitoring indices to meteorology and remote sensing-integrated monitoring indices. Finally, an analysis of current challenges in agricultural drought monitoring revealed future research prospects for agricultural drought monitoring, such as investigating the mechanism underlying agricultural drought, identifying factors that influence agricultural drought, developing multi-spatiotemporal scales models for agricultural drought monitoring, coupling qualitative and quantitative agricultural drought evaluation models, and improving the application levels of remote sensing data in agricultural drought monitoring. In this paper, we compared the concept of agricultural drought and its relationship with other types of droughts and reviewed the progress of research on agricultural drought monitoring indices on the basis of station data and remote sensing. Applicability and limitations of different drought monitoring indices were also compared. Meanwhile, development history and the latest progress in agricultural drought monitoring were evaluated statistics and document comparison, suggesting a transformation in agricultural single-rainfall monitoring indices to meteorology and remote sensing-integrated monitoring indices. Finally, an analysis of current challenges in agricultural drought monitoring revealed future research prospects for agricultural drought monitoring, such as investigating the mechanism underlying agricultural drought, identifying factors that influence agricultural drought, developing multi-spatiotemporal scales models for agricu ltural drought monitoring, coupling qualitative and quantitative agricultural drought evaluation models, and improving the application levels of remote sensing data in agricultural drought monitoring.
1997年5月18日,第50届戛纳国际电影节,伊朗影片《樱桃的滋味》(阿巴斯·基亚洛斯塔米执导)荣获“金棕榈”奖; 1997年9月3日,第21届蒙特利尔国际电影节,伊朗影片《天堂之子》
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按照电影检查条例,我们的影片禁止载有下列内容: (一)、危害国家统一、主权和领土完整的; (二)、危害国家安全、荣誉和利益的; (三)、煽动民族分裂,破坏民族团结的; (四)、
保护国会大厦意味着保护一座充满艺术珍品的历史性建筑,同时,美国国会的一切活动,并不因为每次整修而中断。 美国国会大厦是美国政府最持 久的象征之一,它富有历史意义,除了拥有收
1987年获第六届香港电影金像奖“最佳影片奖”及“最佳男主角奖”的《英雄本色》,是由现已成功进军好莱坞的吴宇森导演的,由名导演徐克所创办的“电影工作室”投资。 本片大