Cyclic oxidation behavior of β-NiAlDy alloys containing varying aluminum content at 1200℃

来源 :Progress in Natural Science:Materials International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangroo
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β-NiAlDy cast alloys containing varying aluminum content were prepared by arc-melting. The microstructures and cyclic oxidation behavior of the alloys at 1200 ℃ were investigated. Grain refinement was achieved by increasing aluminum content in the alloy, which is beneficial to selective oxidation. The Ni-55Al-0.1Dy alloy showed excellent cyclic oxidation resistance due to the formation of a continuous, dense and slow-growing oxide scale. In contrast to this, severe internal oxidation as well as large void formation at the scale/alloy interface occurred in the Ni-45Al-0.1Dy alloy. The aluminum content dependence of the reactive element effects in β-NiAlDy was established that Dy doping strengthened the scale/alloy interface by pegging mechanism in high-aluminum alloys but accelerated internal oxidation in low-aluminum alloys during high-temperature exposure. β-NiAlDy cast alloys containing varying aluminum content were prepared by arc-melting. The microstructures and cyclic oxidation behavior of the alloys were investigated at 1200 ° C were investigated. Grain refinement was achieved by increasing aluminum content in the alloy, which is beneficial to selective oxidation. The contrast of this nickel-55Al-0.1Dy alloy showed excellent cyclic oxidation resistance due to the formation of a continuous, dense and slow-growing oxide scale. In contrast to this, severe internal oxidation as well as large void formation at the scale / in the Ni-45Al-0.1Dy alloy. The aluminum content dependence of the reactive element effects in β-NiAlDy was established that Dy doping strengthened the scale / alloy interface by pegging mechanism in high-aluminum alloys but accelerated internal oxidation in low-aluminum alloys during high-temperature exposure.
摘 要:托尔斯泰曾说过:“艺术的本质就是表达情感并且感染大众,而优美的旋律正是音乐最感动人的地方。”音乐教育是培养学生审美等能力的重要途径,为此,结合初中音乐教学实践,对教学中培养学生的能力进行了研究。  关键词:初中音乐;学生能力;习惯  音乐是一种健康积极的文化艺术,我们要坚持开放的姿态,开展面向全体学生的音乐活动,将教学的重心放在培养学生创造性思维和审美等能力上,让学生享受音乐带来的精神享受
语言是文化传承的载体,是民族文化发展的象征。教师的专业发展直接影响教育的发展,教育的高速发展取决于教师的专业发展。 Language is the carrier of cultural heritage a