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我在羡慕别人名气的同时更是看到了名气的另一面:名气不是轻而易举就可以得来的,名人在成名之前无疑经历了一番苦斗,他们的成名史就是一部奋斗史,他们的名气是他们一刀一枪干出来的。我想出名,日思夜想。我想,一旦出了名,我的那一大堆文章就不愁没地方发表了,我知道我的那些文章很烂,但我看到报刊上那些名人的文章跟我的文章一样烂时,我就更想出名了。有次我拿着名人的文章对编辑说,这些名人都让你们给惯坏了,编辑说不惯着不行,名人爱生气。编辑们不怕天不怕地,就怕名人生气。听到这话我心里就羡慕得不行,直恨自己怎么没混出点名气。名气 I admire other people’s fame at the same time is to see the other side of the fame is: fame is not easy to get, celebrities in the fame undoubtedly experienced a bitter struggle, their fame history is a history of struggle, their fame They made it through the shots. I want to be famous, I think night. I think once I became famous, there will be no shortage of articles in my place. I know my articles are bad, but when I read the articles in the newspapers and magazines as bad as my essay, I even want to be famous. I once said to the editor with a famous article that these celebrities give you spoiled, editors useless, celebrities love to be angry. Editors are not afraid of fear of celebrity angry. When I heard these words, my heart did not envy, so I hate myself not out of fame. Fame
那个活得很幸福很幸福的人,也许就在内心留住了瞬间,并把它化成了永恒的人。 The very happy man who lived a very happy life, perhaps, kept an instant in his heart an
我的生活出现了问题,但我已经陷入了无聊的陷阱,又没信心去逃脱,只任由自已越陷越深。哥哥跟我讲了一通道理,最后说:“行动起来吧!” There was a problem with my life, bu
如果他在那个世界能听到的话,我想对他说:洪光,我一直都深爱着你,假若真的有来世,下辈子我还做你的妻子,好吗? If he can hear it in that world, I want to say to him: Hu
孙红,北京协和医院 ICU 护士长,“非典”时期一直奋战在一线重症监护病房。 Sun Hong, Beijing Union Medical College Hospital nurse, ICU “SARS” has been fighting in
其实,强者自强,充满自信的内心,不需要时时的强大,或者口头的赞美,来顶起自己的脊梁。 In fact, the strong self-reliance, full of confidence in the heart, do not need
她是谁?她向我走来,海市蜃楼般的瑰丽情景。那情景,只是在梦中见过,月老的红丝线从天而降,牵住两颗寂寞年轻的心。 Who is she? She came to me, a magnificent scene like
在这个没有父亲的家庭中,大姐的位置和作用是没有人可以替代的,我却仰仗大姐无私的付出,一次次地伤了她的心。 In this family without a father, the elder sister’s posi