Unforgettable Tour in the Jinggang Mountains

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THE Jinggang Mountains are located in the southwestern part of Jiangxi Province, the middle section of the Luoxiao mountain chain along the border between Hunan and Jiangxi provinces. It is the cradle of the Chinese revolution, and has as many as 29 historical revolutionary sites. It is also an ideal place for sightseeing, attracting tourists with its mountains, waterfalls and forests. The city of Jinggangshan is located in the midst of the mountains, 1,000 meters above sea level. It has the lowest population density of any city in China, THE Jinggang Mountains are located in the southwestern part of Jiangxi Province, the middle section of the Luoxiao mountain chain along the border between Hunan and Jiangxi provinces. It is the cradle of the Chinese revolution, and as many as 29 historical revolutionary sites. It. is also an ideal place for sightseeing, attracting tourists with its mountains, waterfalls and forests. The city of Jinggangshan is located in the midst of the mountains, 1,000 meters above sea level. It has the highest population density of any city in China,
6月10日是澳洲的公众假日。 每次的公众假日,都会同星期六、星期日的休假日加在一起成为三天的长假日。每每这时,澳洲人都喜欢去远游,享受大自然的气息。星期六一清早,有的
世界之大,无奇不有。就拿婚姻习俗来说,许多国家和地区都不尽相同,有些还颇具奇趣。 日本:丈夫如想与妻子离婚,似乎非常容易,通常只要随便找一个借口,比如抱怨妻子的睡觉姿
南岳素有“五岳独秀”之美称,而南岳最秀美的景色在于藏经殿。 藏经殿位于南岳衡山南天门西侧的祥光峰下。这里山深林密,绿萌如盖。在万绿丛中,藏经殿那巍峨壮美的宫殿式建
澜沧江漂流 我象蒲公英的一朵小伞,被风吹离茎的家园,风带着我走走停停,游遍中国的名山大川五湖四海,看过人间喜怒哀乐悲欢离合。我走过春夏秋冬,走过楼兰沙洲,最终,走进我
8月2日 星期日 晴 当我被吸收进暑假祁连山探险小分队且得知此次探险活动需历时十几天,要由兰州乘火车到西宁,再转长途汽车到门源县,而后徒步穿越老虎沟抵达皇城,最后经武威