从本世纪始,生物学者们试图用基因解释肿瘤的生成,目前,这种探索已初获成效,人们找到了这些长期以来臆想推测的致癌基因.藉反向病毒转导正常细胞基因的特性,而发现了癌病基因。也就是说,在正常细胞DNA 中寻找反向病毒的致癌基因,而分离出致癌基因。人们提出了两个有益的概念,即,①反向病毒在细胞内反转录成DNA,病毒DNA 被整合到细胞致癌基因附近,将细胞致癌基因活化而启动了肿瘤生成作用;②从许多种肿瘤中提取的DNA 能使啮齿类细胞转化,有如DNA 中含(?)活化的致癌基因,这种致癌基因过去仅仅在病毒中曾经发现。
Since the beginning of this century, biologists have tried to use genes to explain the development of tumors. At present, this exploration has achieved initial success. People have found these long-term speculative oncogenes. By transposing the characteristics of normal cell genes, And found cancer genes. In other words, the oncogenes of the reverse virus were searched for in normal cell DNA and the oncogenes were isolated. Two beneficial concepts have been proposed, namely, 1 retroviruses are reverse transcribed into DNA in cells, viral DNA is integrated into the vicinity of cellular oncogenes, and cellular oncogenes are activated to initiate tumorigenesis; 2 from many species DNA extracted from tumors can transform rodent cells, such as the (?)-activated oncogenes in DNA. This type of oncogene was once discovered only in the virus.