Efficacy of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Combined with Naoxintong Capsules(脑心通胶囊) Following Coronary Mi

来源 :Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:menghuilong
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Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of dual antiplatelet therapy combined with Naoxintong Capsule (脑心通胶囊,NXTC) in a rat model of coronary microembolization(CME).Methods:A total of 95 rats were randomly divided into 6 groups:control,sham-operation,CME model,NXTC,dual antiplatelet(clopidogrel and aspirin) intervention(DA),and NXTC combined with DA(NDA) groups.The complete data in 69 rats were obtained.The number of CME,myocardial apoptosis rate,bleeding time,clotting time,and adensosine diphosphate(ADP)-induced platelet aggregation were assessed.Results:Compared with the CME group,the number of CME and myocardial apoptosis rates were significantly decreased in the NXTC,DA,and NDA groups (P<0.01).Compared with other intervention groups,the number of CME and myocardial apoptosis rates were the least in the NDA group(P<0.01),and the incidence of surgical bleeding was the highest in the DA group (P<0.01).Compared with the CME group,ADP-induced maximum platelet aggregation rate was significantly inhibited in the NXTC,DA,and NDA groups(P<0.01),both bleeding time and clotting time were significantly increased in the NXTC,DA,and NDA groups(P<0.01),while the above parameters were the highest in the DA group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The combination therapy of NXTC and DA enhanced the anti-CME effect of either therapy alone and reduced the risk of the DA therapy-associated bleeding,demonstrating an improved benefit/ risk ratio in the rat model of CME. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of dual antiplatelet therapy combined with Naoxintong Capsule (NXTC) in a rat model of coronary microembolization (CME). Methods: A total of 95 rats were randomly divided into 6 groups: control, sham CME model, NXTC, dual antiplatelet (clopidogrel and aspirin) intervention (DA), and NXTC combined with DA (NDA) groups. The complete data in 69 rats were obtained. The number of CME, myocardial apoptosis rate, The number of CME and myocardial apoptosis rates were significantly decreased in the NXTC, DA, and NDA groups (P <0.01) .Compared with other intervention groups, the number of CME and myocardial apoptosis rates were the least in the NDA group (P <0.01), and the incidence of surgical bleeding was the highest in the DA group (P <0.01) .Compared with the CME group, ADP-induced maximum platelet aggregation rate was s ignificantly inhibited in the NXTC, DA, and NDA groups (P <0.01), both bleeding time and clotting time were significantly increased in the NXTC, DA, and NDA groups (P <0.01), while the above parameters were the highest in the DA group (P <0.05) .Conlusion: The combination therapy of NXTC and DA enhanced the anti-CME effect of either therapy alone and reduced the risk of the DA therapy-associated bleeding, demonstrating an improved benefit / risk ratio in the rat model of CME.
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