Mechanical and electrical characteristics of cymbal transducer

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoyh
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The electromechanical of Cymbal transducer has been researched. Under simple supporting condition, the mechanical and electrical characteristics have been analyzed by using Piezoelectric-elastic theory, Kirchhoff ’s thin shell vibration theory, Rayleigh-Ritz’s theory and equivalent circuit method. The approximate solution and series resonance frequency equation have been given. Under no load, equivalent circuit, correlation parameters of cymbal transducer and the relations between the ratio of cavity depth to radius of Cymbal transducer with resonance frequency, electromechanical coupling coefficient of cymbal transducer have been researched. The best electromechanical coupling coefficient of cymbal transducer has been gained from the results of numerical analysis. It offers a valid theoretical foundation for optimum design of cymbal transducer. The electromechanical of Cymbal transducer has been researched. Under simple supporting condition, the mechanical and electrical characteristics have been analyzed by using Piezoelectric-elastic theory, Kirchhoff’s thin shell vibration theory, Rayleigh-Ritz’s theory and equivalent circuit method. The approximate solution and series resonance frequency equation have been given. Under no load, equivalent circuit, correlation parameters of cymbal transducer and the relations between the ratio of cavity depth to radius of Cymbal transducer with resonance frequency, electromechanical coupling coefficient of cymbal transducer have been researched. The best electromechanical coupling coefficient of cymbal transducer has been gained from the results of numerical analysis. It offers a valid theoretical foundation for optimum design of cymbal transducer.
湖北省南漳县俗称“八山半水分半田”,是一个典型的山区县。南漳县委、县政府在谋划县域经济时抓住青山做文章,提出南漳要走一个惠及千秋万代的林业富民之路! “千株万元”
《地质论评》第19卷第7期发表了拙著《各向异性介质中地下水动力学基础》一文。其中有几处错误,现作如下补正。 Volume 19, Issue 7, Geological Review, published my ess
一、引言 1958年度,笔者曾至豫、皖交界之大别山北麓做过地质测量。在实际工作中有一些体会,想在此做简单介绍,提供参考。解放前很少有人对本区进行过系统的地质调查工作,因
一、概述 潍北卤水分布于山东省潍县、昌邑及寿光北部沿渤海湾一带,目前已建立起大家洼盐场,由国营开采。盐场东西长约30—40公里,南北宽10—20公里,拥有盐池数百处,用风力
没有弧齿锥齿轮加工机床的工厂,假如需要加工这种齿轮,除了可以采用本文所介绍的办法以外,还可从本刊1957年第7期, 1954年第1期, 1955年第1期上找到用夹具加工的经验。 No bevel gear processing