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采用电子显微镜、扫描电镜(SEM)、极化曲线、电化学阻抗(EIS)等方法研究了Y对管线钢在3.5%Na Cl(%,质量分数)溶液中抗腐蚀性能的影响。结果表明:添加Y的试验钢比未添加Y的试验钢抗腐蚀性好。分析其原因是:一方面是因为Y有变质夹杂的作用。Y可以将大尺寸、尖角状的Al2O3夹杂变质为小尺寸、球状的稀土类夹杂,导致夹杂物评定级别降低。另一方面是因为两种管线钢形成的腐蚀内锈层对钢基有不同的作用:1#试验钢内锈层对钢基有保护作用,而0#试验钢内锈层可以起到加速腐蚀的作用。因此,在生产管线钢时向其中加入Y可以起到减弱腐蚀的作用,从而提高管线钢使用寿命。 The effect of Y on the corrosion resistance of pipeline steel in 3.5% NaCl (%, mass fraction) solution was investigated by means of SEM, SEM and EIS. The results show that the Y-added test steel has better corrosion resistance than the un-added Y test steel. Analysis of the reasons are: on the one hand because Y metamorphic inclusions. Y can be large size, sharp-edged Al2O3 inclusions metamorphic small size, spherical rare earth inclusions, resulting in reduced levels of inclusion assessment. On the other hand, the corrosion rust layers formed by the two kinds of pipeline steel have different effects on the steel base: the rust layer in test steel # 1 has a protective effect on the steel base, while the rust layer in test steel # 0 can accelerate the corrosion Role. Therefore, adding Y to the pipeline steel can reduce the corrosion and thus improve the service life of the pipeline steel.
The development of new technology of DNA sequencing generate huge amount of omics dataat genomic level.It is a challenge for wet-lab biologists to collect,manag
Integration of various types of omics data is critically indispensable for addressing mostimportant and complex biological questions.
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一、工程概况rn大岗山水电站位于四川省石棉县,是大渡河干流规划的第 14 个梯级电站,是国家西部大开发重点工程、四川电网骨干电源.rn枢纽工程由双曲拱坝、泄水建筑物和引水
采用真空非自耗电弧熔炼法制备了5种成分为Nb-22Ti-15Si-5Cr-3Al-3Hf-x Y(x=0,0.03,0.06,0.12,0.30 at%)的合金,并在1250℃下分别进行了1、10、20和50 h的高温氧化实验,研究Y
Gut microbiota,consists of a complex community of microorganism species that live in the digestive tracts ofhumans and is the largest reservoir of microorganism