
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ziguangguo
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A 44-year-old woman reported several weeks of fatigue, somnolence, pain in the large joints, nausea, and decreased appetite. She had also noted an unintentional 11-kg weight loss over a period of 6 months. She had a remote history of amenorrhea, but she was presently menstruating regularly. She was taking no medications, with the exception of acetaminophen as needed for knee pain. The diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency (AI) was considered. Serum cortisol level after adre nocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) stimulation was abnormal. Because her plasma ACTH level was not increased, a diagnosis of secondary AI (due to deficiency in ACTH ) was made. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain performed to exclude the pre sence of a sellar or suprasellar mass showed reduction in size of the pituitary gland and an increased cerebrospinal fluid content within the sella, consistent with a partially empty sella. The patient’s symptoms improved rapidly with hydr ocortisone therapy but during follow-up, the dose of hydrocortisone was found t o be excessive. Important differences exist between primary and secondary AI, an d the diagnosis of secondary AI may be challenging. The therapy of AI should be carefully tailored to the requirements of the individual patient. A 44-year-old woman reported several weeks of fatigue, somnolence, pain in the large joints, nausea, and decreased appetite. She had also noted an unintentional 11-kg weight loss over a period of 6 months. of amenorrhea, but she was presently menstruating regularly. She was taking no medications, with the exception of acetaminophen as needed for knee pain. The diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency (AI) was considered. Serum cortisol level after adre nocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) stimulation was Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain performed to exclude the pre sence of a sellar or suprasellar mass showed reduction in size of the pituitary gland and an increased cerebrospinal fluid content within the sella, consistent with a partially empty sella. The patient’s symptoms improved rapidly with hydrocorticone therapy but during follow-up, t The medication of AI should be carefully tailored to the requirements of the individual patient.
【编者按】  江苏省东海县实验小学以书法教育为引擎,站在以人为本的高度,明晰了书法教育的特色课程建设。以书韵渲染校园文化,以兴趣为指引,结合学段特点,开发、完善校本课程,搭建书写实践、展示的个性化平台。这一系列的教学改革,拓展了书法教育的途径,有力地促进了儿童核心素养的发展。  【摘 要】写好汉字,既是学生学好科学文化知识的基础,也是学生传承传统文化素养的体现,更是提升学生核心素养的途径之一。以人
【摘 要】文字是中國文化的载体,书法是文字的书写艺术。在小学全面实施素质教育的过程中,学校是书法教育的摇篮,但当前,小学生对书法课堂的接受度并不高,更没有高效性可谈。书法教学中透露出规律性,如多横教学平衡原理与框框类字教学的尺度把握等,能给学生播种规律的种子,增强学生的书法学习兴趣,提升书法课堂教学的效率。  【关键词】书法教学;逻辑视角;蜕变视角;兴趣培养  【中图分类号】G42 【文献标志码】
<正> 通过美术活动对幼儿进行教育,重要的是培养幼儿对美术的兴趣,只有靠幼儿内在的情感动力才能推动知识的掌握和智力的发展,促进幼儿素质的全面提高。下面就如何培养幼儿对