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今后五至十年,是我国经济和社会发展的重要时期,是进行经济结构战略性调整的重要时期,为适应国民经济发展和经济结构战略性调整的要求,必须对交通运输结构进行调整。为了实现资源优化配置,提高效益和质量,全面提升公路、水路交通行业整体素质,加快公路、水路交通现代化进程,交通部在深入研究并广泛征求意见的基础上,提出了公路、水路交通结构调整意见。 最近,交通部以交规划发[2001]160号文将《公路、水路交通结构调整意见》印发给有关单位,并请各级交通主管部门和港航企业结合本单位实际,制订相关措施,全面推进结构调整工作,保证公路、水路交通结构调整目标顺利实现。 In the next five to ten years, it will be an important period for China’s economic and social development and an important period for the strategic adjustment of its economic structure. To meet the requirements of the national economic development and strategic readjustment of the economic structure, the transport structure must be adjusted. In order to optimize the allocation of resources, improve the efficiency and quality, enhance the overall quality of the highway and waterway transportation industry and speed up the modernization of the highway and waterway transportation, the Ministry of Transportation proposed the structural adjustment of the road and waterway transportation based on the thorough study and extensive solicitation of opinions opinion. Recently, the Ministry of Communications issued the Opinions on Adjusting the Structure of Highway and Waterway Traffic to the relevant units by handing over the paper [2001] No. 160 to the relevant units and requested the traffic authorities at all levels and the port and shipping enterprises to formulate relevant measures in light of the actual situation of the unit. Promote structural readjustment to ensure the smooth realization of the road and waterway traffic structural adjustment goals.
在1999年9月,年仅33岁、毕业于大连海事大学的张治良出任广西北海海运总公司“北部湾1号”船长,成为广西区同类客滚船最年轻的船长。 真抓实干 严于管理 树立客滚船良好的船
又到“五一”黄金假期,出去走走,看看风景,抚摸历史,再品品异地的风土人情,旅游的滋味真好!看了下面几篇游记,你或许会说:“我有更精极的体验。”不妨寄来,让大家分享。 Go t
摘 要:随着绿色发展理念的提出,我国生态文明建设的步伐明显加快,越来越多的林业绿化工程项目投入建设,在扩大了我国的国土绿化面积的同时还发挥着重要的生态价值,有效的改善了区域生态环境,因此国家有关部门和各地政府都高度重视林业绿化工程项目的建设效率和建设质量。其中影响建设效率和质量的最关键因素就是绿化树种移植栽培技术的应用,树种的栽培和抚育是林业绿化工程项目建设的基础,为了提高树木成活率,节约绿化成本