
来源 :上海农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:impeipeiyang
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据本市气象部门预测,今年是高温年,日平均气温连续3天低于20℃的低温降临期出现在9月25日以后,这对于本市夺取1983年后季稻高产,在客观上提供了有利条件,因而如何因势利导,使之转化为现实性,实现丰产丰收至为重要。同时,认真抓牢各项技术环节,确保稳中求高,以夺取高产,也是重要的方面。从上述情况出发,我认为,今年后季稻栽培技术,应当着重抓牢以下几个方面。一、抢时移栽,夺取高产主动权 According to the city meteorological department forecast that this year is a year of high temperature, the average daily temperature for three days less than 20 ℃ low temperature drop occurred in the Provisional period after September 25, which for the city to seize the 1983 post-season high yield of rice, to provide objectively Favorable conditions, and therefore how to make the best use of the situation, make it into reality, to achieve high yield and harvest is important. At the same time, it is also an important aspect that we earnestly hold every technical link to ensure a steady rise and a high yield. Starting from the above situation, I think that after this year’s rice cultivation techniques, we should focus on the following aspects. First, grab the time transplanting, seize the initiative of high yield
<正> 前言解放战争时期,各野战军、军区、军(纵队)、师(旅)、团以至不少连队都出版了报纸、刊物。这些报刊,真实地记录了党领导下的人民军队为创建新中国而英勇奋战的英雄业绩和战斗历程,积累了丰富的战时报刊工作经验,是研究中国革命