Signature splitting in ~(129)Ce

来源 :中国物理C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunyi19871225
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The high spin states of 129Ce have been populated via heavy-ion fusion evaporation reaction 96Mo (37Cl, 1p3n) 129Ce. The γ-γ coincidence and intensity balance used to measure the B(M1;I →I-1)/B(E2;I → I-2) (the probability ratio of the dipole and quadrupole transition) in ν7/2[523] rotational band of 129Ce. And the energy splitting (△e ') has been got through the experimental Routhians. The lifetimes and quadrupole moments Qt have been extracted from the lineshape analyses using DSAM. The deformation of the ν7/2[523] rotational band of 129Ce was extracted from the Qt and moment of inertia JRR. The high spin states of 129Ce have been populated via heavy-ion fusion evaporation reaction 96Mo (37Cl, 1p3n) 129Ce. The γ-γ coincidence and intensity balance used to measure the B (M1; I → I-1) / B ; I → I-2) (the probability ratio of the dipole and quadrupole transition) in ν7 / 2 [523] rotational band of 129Ce. And the energy splitting (Δe ') has been got through the experimental Routhians. The lifetimes and Quadrupole moments Qt have been extracted from the lineshape analyzes using DSAM. The deformation of the ν7 / 2 rotational band of 129Ce was extracted from the Qt and moment of inertia JRR.
The proton alignment in 82Sr has been investigated by the g-factor measurements of the ground state rotational band levels up to spin I = 8+. The g-factors were
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