
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JIAOAODENVWANG
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This paper seeks to quantify the social and economic impact of resettlement based on the physiographic element changes post relocation.We focus on communities affected by the Nuozhadu hydropower project, the largest existing hydropower project on the mainstream of the Upper Mekong River.Soil and meteorological data were collected from the Soil Spatial Database and the China Terrestrial Ecological Information Spatial Meteorology Database, while social and economic data were collected via field surveys.We have three major conclusions: (1) Communities will be relocated to a new climate and new elevation, moving from a north tropical climate zone under 700 m to a subtropical climate zone above 700 m.(2) Physiographic element changes due to relocation will reduce household economic income.After relocation, the annual family income of the Shidaimao group decreased by 62%; the annual family income of the other 5 study groups (Lasa, Hani, Nochangchangyi, Mengsa, and Dawazi) dropped by 65%.(3) Communities relocated across the study township are 61.1% less connected with their former relatives after relocation while family-to-family free labor exchange, a previous community norm, decreased by 91%.China’s dam resettlement compensation system focuses on the loss of economic resources after relocation.However, this study finds that the physiographic elements of the relocation sites are an important driver of ensuring economic growth and stability after relocation.As a result, we recommend more attention be paid to physiographic continuity when designing relocation models.
研究背景与目的食管癌(Esophageal carcinoma,EC)是一种常见的上消化道恶性肿瘤,其发病率和死亡率分别位于全球癌症的第9位和第6位。全世界每年大约有45万例EC新发病例,这其
本报讯 记者王坤报道2017年,全省各级纪检监察机关把对党忠诚作为首要政治原则,牢固树立“四个意识”,坚定“四个自信”,以无私无畏和敢于担当的精神,忠实履行党章和宪法赋予的职
<正> 多年来由于各地陆生龟类生存条件受到不同程度的破坏,以及外贸大量出口,致使药材公司不能完成国内收购制药龟板的任务。如此下去某些种类将有灭绝的危险。因此近年来许