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在新时代下,乡村已成为“现代化、城市化”的重要根基,是不可忽视的文化根脉,人类的精神家园。随着社会经济日益发展,人民的生活水平日渐提高,城市化步伐不断加快,城乡差距也进一步扩大。为了有效解决和农民切身利益紧密相连的各种问题,促进社会的安定和谐,建设美丽乡村已成为新时期需要完成的重要任务。而在建设过程中,乡镇文化站发挥着不可替代的作用,不断推进魅力乡村建设进程,为实现“全面小康”社会总目标是提供了有利保障。 In the new era, the countryside has become an important foundation for “modernization and urbanization.” It is a cultural root that can not be ignored and a spiritual homeland of mankind. With the increasing social and economic development, people’s living standards are gradually increasing, the pace of urbanization is accelerating, and the gap between urban and rural areas is further widened. In order to effectively solve the various problems closely linked with the immediate interests of peasants and promote social stability and harmony, the construction of beautiful villages has become an important task that needs to be accomplished in the new period. In the process of construction, the township cultural station plays an irreplaceable role in continuously advancing the process of building a charismatic rural area, which provides a favorable guarantee for realizing the overall social goal of “building a well-off society in an all-round way.”
一2006年的元月18日,北京人民大会堂内,由国家认监委、商务部联合召开的“中国酒类产品质量等级认证首批获证企业颁证大会”正在隆重而热烈地进行。 On January 18, 2006, i
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