
来源 :中国科技期刊研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a747470666
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高校学报的发展面临一些困境,学报的内向性、综合性、管理体制、办刊理念、学术竞争力等方面存在的局限性成为学报发展的瓶颈。如何提高学报的影响力和竞争力、促进学报的发展日益为学报界所关注。本文采用SWOT战略分析模型,结合《江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版)》的发展现状,分析研究了增强学报影响力和竞争力应采取的战略对策,即:优先采用增长型(SO)战略,兼顾防御型(WO)战略,并提出了实施SO战略的具体措施。 The development of college journals is facing some dilemmas. The limitation of journals’ introversion, comprehensiveness, management system, philosophy of running journals and academic competitiveness has become the bottleneck in the development of journals. How to improve the influence and competitiveness of journals and promote the development of journals is increasingly concerned by the journalists. In this paper, using SWOT strategic analysis model, combined with the development of “Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition)”, this paper analyzes and studies the strategic countermeasures that should be taken to enhance the influence and competitiveness of the journal, namely, giving priority to the growth strategy, Taking into account the defensive (WO) strategy and putting forward specific measures for implementing the SO strategy.
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