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【世界核新闻网站2015年2月16日报道】印度与斯里兰卡近日签署了民用核能合作协议。这份协议是印总理纳伦德拉·莫迪与斯总统迈特里帕拉·西里塞纳在新德里会晤期间于2015年2月16日签署的四份协议中的一份。这份协议将促进双方在核能和平利用(包括放射性同位素的使用)、核安全、辐射安全和核安保等领域进行知识与专门技能的转让与交流,共享资源,并在能力建设和人员培训方面开展合作。 [World Nuclear News Web site February 16, 2015] India and Sri Lanka recently signed a civil nuclear cooperation agreement. This agreement is one of four agreements signed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with President Mathielpala Silicenha on February 16, 2015 during his meeting in New Delhi. This agreement will promote the transfer and exchange of knowledge and know-how between the two parties in the fields of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy (including the use of radioisotopes), nuclear safety, radiation safety and nuclear security, share resources and carry out capacity-building and personnel training Cooperation.
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基于热中子散射理论,编制热中子散射数据计算程序Sirius。采用基于密度泛函理论的第一原理冻结声子方法,得到7Li H中7Li和H的声子态密度。利用Sirius程序和声子态密度,获取7L