Facial nerve hemangiomas: A review

来源 :Journal of Otology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Happyboy123456
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Facial nerve hemangiomas are rare benign vascular tumors with primary symptoms including progressive facial nerve palsy and hearing loss. They can involve various segments of the facial nerve, especially the geniculate ganglion (G.G.). Preoperative MRI and CT imagining is of great importance for early diagnosis of such lesions. The most accepted treatment for facial nerve hemangiomas is surgical excision1 and the type of approach depends on tumor location, preoperative hearing level and tumor size. In consideration of the difficulties in differential diagnosis, otologists should pay attention to avoid missed or incorrect diagnosis in hemangiomas of facial nerve. Facial nerve hemangiomas are rare benign vascular tumors with primary symptoms including progressive facial nerve palsy and hearing loss. They can involve various segments of the facial nerve, especially the geniculate ganglion (GG). Preoperative MRI and CT imaging is of great importance for early diagnosis of such lesions. The most accepted treatment for facial nerve hemangiomas is surgical excision1 and the type of approach depends on tumor location, preoperative hearing level and tumor size. In consideration of the difficulties in differential diagnosis, otologists should pay attention to avoid missed or incorrect diagnosis in hemangiomas of facial nerve.
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本栏目内容源自网络,为保证其“原汁原味”,内容未作修改,网友措辞,错误忽略。  1.  近日,见证了798十年发展的艺术家徐勇执掌的时态空间被798物业封锁,因无法承受新的租金标准,离开798恐成定局。而艺术区的文化创意产业区政策和奥运文化旅游景点的产业规划——两年内将投资逾500亿建世界最大水上乐园,项目总建筑面积约120万平方米,预计明年初破土动工,两年内全部建成——被网友戏称为豪华文化艺术邮
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沼气池废渣种蘑菇,是综合利用厩肥、农作物藁秆,变废为宝的好办法。现将有关技术问题简述如下: (一)菇料的调制先将沼气发生池废渣取出晒成半干。一般沼气池下层的渣要比上
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摘要:一位教育教育先行者,在教育的舞台上忘我的精神,默默的奉献,我们是耕耘者,用爱心、责任、真心培养出祖国的花朵,在人生的道路上陪伴他们成长,希望孩子们在雨露的滋润下让他们会更加茁壮地成长  关键词:爱心;责任;真心;成长  时光飞逝,日月如梭。以前作文写这样的一句话,只是觉得好有文采,忘了是从哪一篇美文里抄下来的美句。但现在写在这里,这真真正正代表着我这几年来的感受。忙忙碌碌的一学期将要过去了,