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如今现代都市人与自然的关系日益疏远,人们眼中只有钢筋水泥,很少有机会接触到真实的大自然。我们总是容易舍本逐末,忽视眼前的那抹绿色,忘却了林木丛生对于我们的生存健康来说是何等重要。3月21日“世界森林日”来临前,国际环保组织绿色和平与学术机构合作,利用遥感、地理信息系统技术,首次绘制出中国原始森林分布图。结果显示,中国现有原始森林面积为1576.68万公顷,占中国森林面积的7.59%。 Nowadays, the relationship between modern urban people and nature is increasingly estranged. Only people in the eye have reinforced concrete, so they rarely have the opportunity to contact with real nature. It is always easy for us to neglect the green namales in front of us and forget the importance of the woods to the health of our existence. March 21 Before the arrival of “World Forest Day”, the international environmental protection organization Greenpeace cooperated with academic institutions to draw the original forest distribution map of China using remote sensing and geographic information system technologies. The result shows that the existing original forest area in China is 15,768,800 hectares, accounting for 7.59% of the total forest area in China.
China is a land of food safety landmines:exploding hormoneoverdosed watermelons,fake squid made from toxic plastic,clenbuterolinjected pork made to look like be
在湖北襄阳市谷城县庙滩镇郭峪村这个偏远山村,有一棵与众不同的古树。这棵千年古树下方有一个泉眼,被当地人称为千年“泉眼古树”。郭峪村村民认为,是这棵古树给村子带来了这一泓清泉,润泽这片山间土地,因而历代村民都自发保护这棵古树,不让外人毁坏一枝一叶。  2016年“十一”期间,这棵古樹被网友拍摄发到网上后,引起了谷城县林业局关注。经过林业局邀请专家鉴定,确定该树是树龄达1200年的黑壳楠,属国家一级古
本文从钢筋砼结构的腐蚀机理出发,讨论了在役结构的耐久性分析方法,并针对受腐蚀钢筋砼受弯构件的强度失效准则,给出了能间接反映结构耐久性指标的一种计算方法。 Based on the
Death,it’s a subject wrought with grief and incalculable sadness.Well,it can be calculated,and it costs a fortune.While funerals are expected to be somber even
Models of threshold voltage and subthreshold swing, including the fringing-capacitance effects between the gate electrode and the surface of the source/drain re