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火炬漆(Rhus.typhina L.)又名鹿角漆,原产北美,分布于加拿大,属漆树科落叶小乔木,高10~12米,小枝密生绒毛,小叶13~31,椭圆状披针形,锐尖,具锯齿;圆锥花序,生于枝顶;花期6~7月,果穗鲜红,状如火炬,种子9月成熟。我园1974年和1975年从北京植物园和南京植物园引入种子在引种区育苗,一部分苗于1979年移入进化区戚树园漆树科地区定植,部分根蘖苗供共青苗圃、石油化工总厂等单位试种。 (一)生长习性火炬漆根系较浅,但水平根发达,根蘖萌发力极强,是良好的护坡、固堤及封滩、 Torch paint (Rhus.typhina L.), also known as antler paint, native to North America, located in Canada, is a small arbor deciduous trees, 10 to 12 meters high, densely dendrite hairlets, leaflets 13 to 31, Sharp, with serrated; panicles, born in the top; flowering from June to July, bright red ear, shaped like a torch, the seeds mature in September. I Park in 1974 and 1975 from the Beijing Botanic Garden and the introduction of the Nanjing Botanical Garden seeds in the introduction zone nursery, part of the seedlings in 1979 moved into the evolution zone Qi tree garden area planted trees, some of the tiller seedlings for alpine nursery, petrochemical plant unit unit test Species. (A) Growth Habitat Torch paint root system is shallow, but the level of roots developed, root tiller germination force is strong, is a good slope, solid embankment and seal beach,
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时序更替, 永不停歇.我们迎来了充满希望和期待的2021年.值此, 我们谨向一年来关心、支持本刊发展的同仁、专家学者致以最衷心的感谢!rn2020年, 是我国全面建成小康社会和“