Screening of Quality Ornamental Trees in Xinyang City

来源 :Journal of Landscape Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowsky001
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Located in the transitional area from subtropical zone to warm temperate zone,Xinyang City is endowed with rich plant resources.With the development of modem urban landscape architecture,Xinyang City has had increasing needs on quality ornamental tree species.In view of the badly-needed ornamental tree species of local landscaping,this paper screened 20 ornamental tree species from the previously-investigated ones,then applied Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) to establish the evaluation system according to ornamental characteristics of these species(such as flower color),and used this system to evaluate the preliminarily-chosen species,finally selected 7 species that can be widely applied,and 5 species that can be moderately applied. Located in the transitional area from subtropical zone to warm temperate zone, Xinyang City is endowed with rich plant resources .With the development of modem urban landscape architecture, Xinyang City has had increasing needs on quality ornamental tree species. In view of the badly-needed ornamental tree species of local landscaping, this paper screened 20 ornamental tree species from the previously-aware ones, then applied Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to establish the evaluation system according to ornamental characteristics of these species (such as flower color), and used this system to evaluate the preliminarily-chosen species, finally selected 7 species that can be widely applied, and 5 species that can be moderately applied.
该文介绍了有限元法对土工构筑物进行稳定渗流计算的方法步骤 ,特别给出了渗流方程中求常数项的源程序 ,并结合算例 ,给出了计算过程的结果。 In this paper, the method st
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