Real-space observation of individual skyrmions in helimagnetic nanostripes

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jumglezhang
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Controllable formation and manipulation of domain walls in one-dimensional(1D) nanostripes underpins a promising type of emergent spintronic device. Magnetic skyrmion is topologically stable whirlpool-like spin texture and is expected to replace familiar domain wall phenomena to build such devices, owing to its prominent features including small size,topological stability and the small critical current required to move it. It is thus essential to understand skyrmions’ properties in such a nanostructured element. In this paper, we mainly give fundamental insight into this issue. Experimental achievements in the formation and stability of individual skyrmions in the nanostripe are outlined in detail. Controllable formation and manipulation of domain walls in one-dimensional (1D) nanostripes underpins a promising type of emergent spintronic device. Magnetic skyrmion is topologically stable whirlpool-like spin texture and is expected to replace familiar domain wall phenomena to build such devices, owing to its prominent features including small size, topological stability and the small critical current required to move it. It is thus essential to understand skyrmions’ properties in such a nanostructured element. In this paper, we mainly give fundamental insight into this issue. the formation and stability of individual skyrmions in the nanostripe are outlined in detail.
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题记 :有一桩发生在1947年的烧杀抢掠黄金商行案(野史称之为“永和金号惨案”)曾引起原中共中央总书记胡耀邦的注意 ,他亲自召见该旧案的审理人———国民党统治时期的邵阳县县长、