Similarity of Heat Transfer on Heat Source Elements in the Entrance Region in Electronic Equipment

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lawyerhw
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A similarity equation for heat transfer on heat source elements situated in the entrance region in electronic equipment is developed based on the experimental data obtained by Sparrow et al.[4]. The characteristic of the similarity equation is that the ratio of the heat transfer coefficient at the entrance region to be at the fully developed region is independent of the Reynolds number. It depends only on the row number of the elements situated in the entrance region. An example of the usefulness of the similarity equation is presented that determines the heat transfer on heat source elements in a power unit that contains only a small number of the heat source elements. A similarity equation for heat transfer on heat source elements situated in the entrance region in electronic equipment is developed based on the experimental data obtained by Sparrow et al. [4]. The characteristic of the similarity equation is that ratio of the heat transfer coefficient at the entrance region to be at the fully developed region is independent of the Reynolds number. It depends only on the row number of the elements situated in the entrance region. An example of the usefulness of the similarity equation is presented that determines the heat transfer on heat source elements in a power unit that contains only a small number of the heat source elements.
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