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语言是一切事物和思想的衣裳,是心灵的窗口,语言也常常是一个人文化素养和道德修养的表现。文明的语言常常能表现出一个人良好的道德修养,粗鲁的语言则能体现出一个人缺乏道德修养。随着医学科学的发展,生活质量不断提高,人们对医护人员提出了更高要求,服务态度的好坏已成为评 Language is the clothes of all things and thoughts, the window of the soul, and language is often the manifestation of a person’s cultural accomplishment and morality. Civilized language can often show a good moral education, rude language can reflect a person lack of moral cultivation. With the development of medical science, the quality of life is constantly improving, and people are putting higher demands on medical and nursing personnel, and the quality of service attitude has become a comment
Background Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) with biventricular pacing has demonstrated cardiac function improvement for treating congestive heart failure
Background A multi-center large scale study is needed to confirm the efficacy and safety of domestic peritoneal dialysis (PD) solutions.Some researchers believe
1 工程概况 滨州大道王堤防截渗墙工程位于滨州市黄河堤段,大堤桩号为右岸160+400~162+500。属于黄委在册险点。为了排除隐患,通过详细考察和技术论证,首次在黄河堤防应用水
1 概述rn污水的生物处理技术是现代生物工程的一个重要组成部分,利用微生物净化废水,因其能耗低、运行管理方便、污染物去除效率高而被广泛采用,特别是在城市生活污水和有机
Background Bloodstream infections (BSls) remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing surgery.This study aimed at elucidating the clin
1 2001年我省水电站概况及发电情况 根据年报统计,到2001年,我省已建成水电站218处,448台,总装机容量7.82万kw;高低压输变电线路992km;电站升压变压器及配电变压器容量分别
Background Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a heritable cardiac disease predominantly caused by mutations in desmosomal protein genes.P
1 水利前期工作存在的差距与不足 当前,水利发展要适应经济社会快速发展的迫切要求,前期工作还存在着明显的差距和不足。 一是规划计划工作人员思想观念比较陈旧,业务能力强