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朝鲜战争结束之后,解放台湾又再次提到中共中央和中央军委的议事日程上来了。1953年10月,中央军委在杭州召开会议。在大会听取了中国人民志愿军代司令员杨勇关于朝鲜形势的报告之后,毛泽东主席发表了重要讲话。他说,朝鲜停战了,我们身上的担子轻了许多,但是,不能大意,要做好准备,防止战火又起,同时,他又指出,这两年蒋介石先生趁我们在朝鲜作战无暇顾及之际,仗着美国人在背后撑腰,很是兴风作浪,在做反攻大陆的黄梁美梦呢,现在我们可以腾出手了,我看应该去解决台湾问题了。 After the Korean War ended, the liberation of Taiwan once again mentioned the agenda of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission. In October 1953, the Central Military Commission held a meeting in Hangzhou. After the General Assembly heard a report by Yong Yong, the commander of the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army, on the situation in North Korea, Chairman Mao Zedong made an important speech. He said that North Korea has been in a cease-fire and the burden on us is much lighter. However, it can not be done in such a way as to be prepared to prevent the war from starting again. At the same time, he pointed out that during the past two years, Chiang Kai-shek took advantage of our time in North Korea’s war. , Relying on Americans behind their backs, it is making waves and doing a good job in counterreaching the mainland’s Huang Liang-mei. Now we can free up our hand and I think we should go to solve the Taiwan issue.
摘 要:初中物理教学中大量涉及力的平衡问题,并在有些教学内容中还不可避免地出现多力平衡的问题,特别是在近些年的中考试题中也出现多力平衡考题。为了帮助学生深刻理解相关知识,并为学生进一步升入高一级学校的继续学习作好前期准备,教师应作出适当调整,加强对多力平衡问题的教学。  关键词:平衡;受力;多力;理解  中图分类号:G633.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2015)09-005
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