书与道契 艺合天人——读李志敏先生《书论》札记

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书法之最高境界,乃是体现天人关系,书法虽为人之创造,然而其中却映射出天地宇宙之道。学书者亦当师造化,如此才能传得心源家法。中国人从来不曾将艺术与品格修养割裂开来,从来不曾对那些品格低下而艺能者报以赞美,这是儒家文化“文以载道”之价值观与美学观之体现。学书(乃至于其他一切艺术与学术)之根本鹄的,在于人精神境界之提升,人格之完善,而非仅以书法形体之美博人赞美。学养对于书画家而言十分重要,无学养者,虽技巧很高,但徒具形似,韵味不足,久之令人感觉枯燥无味;有学养者,则其书其画皆耐人寻味,意蕴深长,久看不厌。欲书先散怀抱,胸中虚无、恬淡冲和方能下笔从容,得其天然无雕饰之趣。学书者易知曲之妙,而不易知平正之妙;易追求险绝怪异,而不知中和朴质为美之最高境界。历代书论以主藏者居多,而不知藏露相宜才能妙趣横生。艺术即性情,是艺术家之内心世界(我)与宇宙万有(物)融合为一的产物。 The highest state of calligraphy, but the embodiment of the relationship between man and nature, calligraphy, although the creation of man, but which maps the universe of heaven and earth. Learning scholar is also a teacher of good fortune, so that we can pass the source family law. The Chinese have never separated art and character cultivation, never praised those who are inferior in character and entertainer, which embodies the values ​​and aesthetics of Confucian culture. The basic principle of learning books (and even of all other arts and academic studies) lies in the promotion of human spiritual realms and their perfection of personality, not just the praise of the beauty of calligraphy. Academic support is very important for calligraphy and painting artists, non-educated, although highly skilled, but only appearance, lack of flavor, for a long time it feels boring; educated, then its book is intriguing, profound, long time not to read . For the book first embrace embrace, nothing in the chest, Tianruan Chong and can only pen down, have their natural non-carved interest. Students learn the magic of the book easily learned, but not easy to know the true goodness; easy pursuit of perishable weird, but I do not know the highest level of simplicity and beauty. Most of the main types of scholarly monuments in ancient China, but I do not know hidden to affordable. Art is temperament, a product of the fusion of the artist’s inner world (me) with the universe.
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