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扣篮的意思就是飞跃,飞跃梦想,哪怕阻碍重重。当2008年超人降临全明星赛拯救扣篮大赛这个吹毛求疵游戏的时候,那一年超人是英雄,没有弱点,梦想成真;可是在2009年,当霍华德拿着300多万张选票从电话亭披着披肩出来的时候,全场观众都相信这是扣篮大赛历史上讲得最好的续集电影——《超人归来》不过超人霍华德显然忘记了他唯一的克星氪石。当时已经在菲尼克斯练习了两天的内特说:“这是我刚想出来的名字。我已经练得不错了,你一定要看一看我可不打算现在就泄密,我什么都不会说的我只能告诉你,我会使用一个‘氪扣篮’。”那天内特·罗宾逊穿着写着“Krypto-nate”的氪石(Kryptonite)体恤一身上下绿光逼人地站在场中央之后,大片的名字也随之改写:《超人之死》!果然,当罗宾逊匪夷所思地飞跃霍华德的头顶完成电光火石般地扣篮之后,所有人都知道,超人麻烦了。这样的一部大片,也许结局和很多人开始想的不同,但是好片就是好片,内特的梦想更加直接闪耀夺目:这是一个关于没有超过1.80米身高却飞跃蓝天的梦想,相比霍华德2008年的美国梦,内特在2009给了这里一个无限平民梦想的归宿,这部影片,没有成败,只有英雄。《灌篮高手》中最经典的一次赛场画面来自于樱木花道,湘北对战翔阳最后时刻,樱木花道腾身扣飞了县内首屈一指的中锋花形,技惊全场而灌篮高手的主线也是从主人公樱木的扣篮开始的。虽然扣篮仅仅是赛场上得分手段的一种,但是就是因为它强烈的视觉冲击力和美观而被无限升华,从贝勒到J博士,从乔丹、威尔金斯到卡特、科比,再到现在的韦德、詹姆斯,扣篮的旗帜在不断的传承,而尤为经典的画片无不是那些小个子球员飞跃“阿尔卑斯”的情景,这些是NBA最宝贵的视觉财富,而且经久不衰。 Dunk means leap, leap dreams, even if the obstacles. When Superman came in 2008, the All-Star game to save the Slam Dunk Contest in this picky game, that year superman is a hero, no weakness, the dream come true; but in 2009, when Howard took more than 3000000 votes from the phone booth draped shawl Come out, the audience believe this is the best sequel to the dunk contest history movie - “Superman Returns” But superman Howard apparently forgot his only killer kryptonite. Nate, who had been practicing in Phoenix for two days, said: “This is the name I just came up with. I have practiced well. You must see if I intend to leak it now. I will not say anything I can only tell you that I will use a krypton dunk. ”“ That day, Nate Robinson wore a Kryptonite Kryptonite shirt that read ”green“ to stand in the middle of the field After that, the name of the blockbuster was also rewritten: ”Superman’s Death!“ Sure enough, after Robinson’s bizarre leap in Howard’s head to complete the electro-optical dunk, everyone knew that Superman was in trouble. Such a large, maybe the outcome and many people began to think different, but the good film is a good piece, Nate’s dream more direct shine: This is a dream about not exceeding 1.80 meters in height but leapfrog blue sky, compared to Howard 2008 American Dream, Nate in 2009 gave here an end to the dream of an infinite civilian, this film, there is no success, only the hero. ”Slam Dunk“ in the most classic picture of a stadium from the cherry wood flower Road, Xiangbei fight the last moment of Xiang Yang, Yingmuhuadao Tengzeng buckle the county center of the leading flower-shaped, scared the audience and the main line of slam dunk Also from the hero Sakuragi dunk start. Although the dunk is only one of the means of scoring on the court, it is infused with great visual impact and aesthetics, from Baylor to J, Jordan, Wilkins to Carter, Kobe, and now Wade, James, slam dunk flags are constantly handed down, and especially the classic pictures are all those small players leap ”Alps " scenario, these are the NBA’s most valuable visual wealth, and enduring.
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