Calculation of the Transition Temperature for Partitioned Growth of Proeutectoid Ferrite in Fe-C Bas

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A55190684
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According to the local equilibrium theory,the ferrite growth from alloyed austenite could be divided into the partition local equilibrium (PLE) mode and negligible partition local equilibrium (NPLE) mode.A graphical construction method proposed earlier by Hillert using in Fe-C-X ternary alloys was extended into Fe-C base multicomponent alloys to calculate the PLE/NPLE transition temperature.The method utilize the carbon component ray,in which the substitutional alloy elements content is constant,to determine PLE/NPLE transition boundary.Using the method,the PLE/NPLE transition temperature in several alloy systems are calculated and compared with the formerly reported results. According to the local equilibrium theory, the ferrite growth from alloyed austenite could be divided into the partition local equilibrium (PLE) mode and negligible partition local equilibrium (NPLE) mode. A graphical construction method proposed earlier by Hillert using in Fe-CX ternary alloys was extended into Fe-C base multicomponent alloys to calculate the PLE / NPLE transition temperature. The method utilizes the carbon component ray, in which the substitutional alloy elements content is constant, to determine PLE / NPLE transition boundary. Using the method, the PLE / NPLE transition temperature in several alloy systems are calculated and compared with the formerly reported results.
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