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如何才能让QQ拥有的众多用户资源变现成真金白银?这家依托即时通信工具起家的互联网公司给出的答案是??扩张!尽可能地扩张!“,”Ma Huateng, presi-dent and CEO of QQ Inc., keeps a very low profile and claims only to make four interviews by the press within a year, but around September this year, frequent social activities and one after another news stories of his company push Ma in the from. Less than one month, his interviews with the press are far more than four, breaking his own quota. Ma Huateng exposed himself at a press conference in Beijing for an event of traveling along Huang River by reporters, which is held by QQ.com, the portal website under the QQ flag. At the press conference Ma announced that QQ.com will become China's largest portal within five years. After ten-odd days, Ma Husteng appeared at a forum organized by Ma Yun, CEO of Alibaba and made a long speech. Only after three days, Ma Huateng publicly announced the trial operation of www.paipai. com, a C2C website. Less than a half month, QQ announced to assign an exclusive agent agreement for a racing game called R2Beat with Neowiz, a Korean gaming operator. While strengthening his activities of publicity for the brand of QQ.com, e-business and networking games, Ma Huateng is promoting his new concept of the Internet -QQ wants to create a new model of online social life. He says, “People rely on water and electricity in their daily life, we want to do the same, be water and electricity on the Internet.” Ma Huateng begins rapid expansion of his business by depending on the logo, a little penguin. Can his ambition of creating an Internet empire with a full value chain turn true?
目的:观察过表达或敲低人脂联素受体1 (AdipoR1)对肺癌细胞PC9增殖和迁移的影响,阐明AdipoR1对肺癌的调控作用.方法:逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测AdipoR1在PC9细胞及正常
50米,再往上走50米就实现了我的目标.那是启孜峰的顶峰,海拔高度为6206米, 它是念青唐古拉山的一个支脉,尽管高山缺氧,每往前走50步就要做30次的深呼吸,但是我心中十分清楚,
在新世纪被信息技术催化的、以服务业打头阵的全球化中,中国能不能找到自己的位置?能不能完成国家竞争力从“体力”向“智力”的转化? In the new century, catalyzed by in