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龙江河为潮汕四大河流之一,发源于普宁市南山凹,经陆丰市流入惠来县,于惠来县隆江镇赤岑村附近出海。流域内有龙潭、巷口、尖官陂等大中小型水库24座,控制集水面积249.3平方公里,总库容20917万立方米。惠来县地处粤东沿海,水资源分布不平衡,东乏西盈。随着招商引资不断推进,惠来电厂、中石油炼油、中海油LNG、中电投揭阳物流中心等重大项目的落户建设,这些重大项目的淡水供给,以及即将开工建设的西水东调引水工程,都要依赖龙江河提供水源。 Longjiang River, one of the four major Chaoshan rivers, originated in Puning Nanshan Au, Lufeng City by the inflow of Huilai County, Huilai County, Long Town, Akashi village near the sea. There are 24 large, medium and small reservoirs such as Longtan, Xiangkou and Jianguanba in the basin, controlling a catchment area of ​​249.3 square kilometers with a total storage capacity of 209.17 million cubic meters. Huilai County is located in eastern Guangdong coast, uneven distribution of water resources, the East lack of West surplus. With the continuous promotion of investment promotion, Huilai Power Plant, PetroChina Refining, CNOOC LNG, CLP Power Investment Jieyang logistics center and other major projects settled in the construction of these major projects of fresh water supply, and will soon start the construction of the West-East Water Diversion Project, have to rely on Longjiang River to provide water.
On the basis of different generation carbazole dendrons, a series of self-host yellow Ir dendrimers(Y-G0, Y-G1 and Y-G2)have been successfully synthesized and c
An increase in luminance of a polymer light-emitting diode(PLED) was obtained by fabricating a graded doping structure using a vacuum spray method. The small el
文章论述了大学文献采购工作的重要性,介绍了外国大学文献采购工作的现状,指出了目前我国大学文献采购工作中存在的问题,提出了我国大学文献采购的对策和方法。 This paper
系统性红斑狼疮 (SLE)多见于年轻女性 ,50岁以上少见。为提高对本病的认识 ,我们对 18例老年及老年前期SLE与 4 0例青年SLE作对比分析 ,现报道如下。临床资料 一、一般资料 :1994年 2
In this work, the intra-EDA method, which is a recently developed energy decomposition analysis scheme for intramolecular non-covalent interaction is extended f
Objective: To investigate acute effects of cigarette smoking on fetal hemodynamics. Method: Sixty seven women between 32nd to 40th weeks of gestation were evalu