
来源 :安徽农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baobei871011
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We report six different field trials testing the efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae,an entomopathogenic fungus,against varroa mites in honey bee hives.Varroa mites are parasitic on honey bees and cause serious damage to Apis mellifera colonies.Several control methods are available for varroa mites,none are very effective,so new,more effective methods are being sought.Varroa has previously been shown to be highly susceptible to M.anisopliae infections,and in our first two field trials,we found some efficacy from spore applications.However,in subsequent field trials,we were not able to obtain any varroa control, despite attempting several different application methods, two different strains of the fungus, and testing in different climates and during different phenological states of the honey bee colony. We conclude that microbial control of varroa using fungi is not likely to be effective unless some way is found to prolong the survival of the spores (or other infective units) in the hive environment.
目的 对颅脑损伤以及合并症的临床发病特点、临床救治原则以及基本方法做出探讨与分析.方法 对本医院的36例颅脑损伤及存在合并症患者的临床资料进行回顾性总结与分析.结果在
腹腔镜因其手术时间短,创伤小,术后恢复快,患者痛苦小,现已广泛用于我院外科,妇科,常规手术中.将优质护理应用到腹腔镜手术前准备,术中配合及术后护理中.结论 优质护理应用于
目的 探讨扁桃体及腺样体切除术在治疗小儿鼾症中的作用方法选择因扁桃体肥大,腺样体肥大引起打鼾的患儿,总结手术效果.结果打鼾的患儿经扁桃体及腺样体切除后打鼾症状减轻.
1 辅助检查rn1.1 X线检查:约75%~80%的病例在立位或坐位可观察到膈下有游离气体,呈新月形透亮区.如患者不能站立作透视检查,可左侧卧位5~10min后摄侧位片,可见肝右外侧有积气.
目的 探讨麟儿来方法治疗精血型亏虚型无排卵性不孕症的疗效.方法 将我院2010年1月治2011年10月收治的76例精血型亏虚型无排卵性不孕症患者随机均分为观察组与对照组,每组38
The Mormon cricket (MC),Anabrus simplex (Orthoptera:Tettigoniidae),has a long and negative history with agriculture in the western states of the USA where MC of
目的 子宫瘢痕是一种异位妊娠,一般是指位于子宫体腔之外的妊娠.最近几年,根据流行病学的调查,发现子宫瘢痕妊娠的发生率逐年上升.该种妊娠症状会引发子宫破裂以及子宫大出血