Study on the Extraction Process of Resveratrol from RHIZOMA ET RADIX POLYGONI CUSPIDATI Using Ultras

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[Objective]This study was to optimize the extraction process of resveratrol from RHIZOMA ET RADIX POLYGONI CUSPIDATI. [Method]An orthogonal design was adopted to investigate the effects of extraction temperature, extraction time and ultrasonic power on the extraction rate of resveratrol from RHIZOMA ET RADIX POLYGONI CUSPIDATI by using ultrasonic-assisted wave method. [Result] The optimum extraction process of resveratrol was found as follows: extraction temperature of 80 ℃, extraction time of 45 min and ultrasonic power of 200 W. Under the above conditions, the extraction rate of resveratrol could reach as high as 0.940%. [Conclusion] The ultrasonic-assisted technology is liable and simple, which is a safe and efficient method for extracting resveratrol from RHIZOMA ET RADIX POLYGONI CUSPIDATI. [Objective] This study was to optimize the extraction process of resveratrol from RHIZOMA ET RADIX POLYGONI CUSPIDATI. [Method] An orthogonal design was adopted to investigate the effects of extraction temperature, extraction time and ultrasonic power on the extraction rate of resveratrol from RHIZOMA ET RADIX POLYGONI CUSPIDATI by using ultrasonic-assisted wave method. [Result] The optimum extraction process of resveratrol was found as follows: extraction temperature of 80 ° C, extraction time of 45 min and ultrasonic power of 200 W. Under the above conditions, the extraction The ultrasonic-assisted technology is liable and simple, which is a safe and efficient method for extracting resveratrol from RHIZOMA ET RADIX POLYGONI CUSPIDATI.
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《唐书合钞》,260卷,清沈炳震撰,丁小鹤校正,海昌查氏刊本。炳震(1678—1737)字东甫,浙江归安人,贡生。少好读 “Tang Shuzhao”, 260 volumes, Qing Shen Zhen Zhen Ding,