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正面报道普遍具有的严肃性和宣传性,不易把握。但“凡人小事”可感可触,有获得感,易产生共鸣,能有效提升正面宣传的效果。6月27日,“厦门广电”官方微信推送的《孙红雷在厦门遭遇了这些事……厦门人又妥妥地被点赞了!》引发极大关注,24小时内阅读量突破了40万,到6月30日,阅读量达到47万+。当天,“厦门广电”官微在华东地区公众号排名跻身第2位,在福建省媒体公众号排名位居第1。这条微信的内容来源于某卫视的一档节 Positive reports generally have seriousness and advocacy, not easy to grasp. However, “little things mortal ” feel sensible, have a sense of acquisition, easy to resonate, can effectively enhance the effectiveness of positive publicity. June 27, “Xiamen Radio and TV,” the official WeChat push “Honglei Sun in Xiamen suffered these things ... ... Xiamen people have been properly praised!” Triggered a great deal of attention, reading within 24 hours exceeded 40 Thousands, by June 30, readings reached 470,000 +. On the same day, “Xiamen Broadcasting and Television” was ranked No. 2 in the public number of East China and No. 1 in the media public number of Fujian Province. The contents of this WeChat comes from a TV show
We study the ordered structures of a binary mixture through the introduction of mobile particles under periodically oscillating driving fields, and find that th
作为一家高科技公司,苹果在推出Apple TV后,一直觊觎内容领域,关于其考虑收购时代华纳的消息屡屡传出。虽然这一消息还未坐实,但是苹果已经在内容领域留下了自己的脚印——20
公元前405年,雅典和斯巴达之间的伯罗奔尼撒战争末期,斯巴达军队抓住了一名雅典信使,他身上有一条写满杂乱无章的希腊字母的腰带。当这条腰带呈螺旋形缠绕在一根特定直径的木棍上时,这些字母竟然神奇地组成了一段可读的文字。这便是世界上最早的密码情报。  2000多年来,密码成为人们保护信息的主要手段。最初的木棍,也经历了人工加密、机器编码、计算机编码等技术的升级换代。然而,既然有人创造出密码,就有人挖空心
There are two conservation quantities needed to derive conservation laws of sine-Gordon equation in a frame of laboratory reference. One of them could be derive
By using a simple solid reaction method, we have fabricated alkaline metal doped cobalt oxides Anx CoO2+δ(An = Na, K). The magnetic measurement shows a superco
A many-body expansion of cohesive energy of solid 4He is made up to five-body term, and short-range two-,three-, four- and five-body contributions have been com
Plasma instabilities with charged particle production processes in non-equilibrium plasma are analysed. A criterion on plasma instabilities is deduced by first-