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1 冬翻晒垡 冬翻要深翻、早翻、反复翻,稻板茬有犁底层,比较坚硬,深翻必须达到25cm以上,将犁底层翻上来,早翻在冬前翻挖好使之自然冻垡风化,春季结合施肥,反复翻、翻透、翻匀这样才能达到上下层土壤充分熟化。 2 开挖三沟 降低耕作层水分,稻板茬土壤湿度高,影响玉米生长,开好内外三沟,降低土壤水分,显得尤为重要,一般先深翻再挖墒,这样既可把挖墒的土与其它熟土混合,又可以挑高填低,达到田面平整。 3 施足基肥 每亩施优质农家肥 1 winter turn winter 翻 winter turn to deep plowing, early turning, repeated turn, plowing the bottom of the rice plowing, more hard, deep plowing must reach more than 25cm, plow the bottom of the turn up early in the winter before digging to make it natural Frozen 垡 weathering, combined with fertilization in spring, repeatedly turn, turn through, turn evenly in order to achieve full ripening of the upper and lower soil. 2 digging ditches to reduce tillage moisture, rice stubble soil moisture is high, affecting the growth of corn, open inside and outside the three ditch and reduce soil moisture, is particularly important, the general first deeper dig dig soil moisture, so that both digging moisture Soil mixed with other mature soil, but also can pick high filling, reaching the field formation. 3 Shizujifei per mu high-quality farmhouse manure
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豫花10号是河南省开封市农科所与辽宁省锦州市农科所合作,通过有性杂交选育而成的高产、优质花生新品种,1998年通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定命名。 (一)特征特性 豫
罗老师 :我在北京科学技术文献出版社出版的《城乡科学致富门路800条》刊物上 ,看到一则“高产畜草之王———美国籽粒苋”致富信息 ,很感兴趣 ,也想试试。请问 :1.我省适应栽种籽