Drag reduction and shear resistance properties of ionomer and hydrogen bond systems based on lauryl

来源 :石油科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wqra555551q
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Based on molecular dynamics simulation results,a lauryl methacrylate polymer with drag reduction and shear resistance properties was designed,and synthesized by emulsion polymerization using 2-vinyl pyridine and methyl methacrylate as the polar polymerization monomer.After ionization of lauryl methacrylate polymer,an ion-dipole interaction based drag reduction agent (DRA) was obtained.The existence of ion-dipole interaction was proven through characterization of the drag-reducing agent from its infrared (IR) spectrum.The pilot-scale reaction yield of the DRA under optimum conditions was investigated,and the drag reduction and shear resistance properties were measured.The results show that:1) The ion-dipole or hydrogen bonding interaction can form ladder-shaped chains,therefore the synthesized DRA has shear resistance properties; 2) The larger the molecular weight (MW) and more concentrated the distribution of MW,the better the drag reduction efficiency and the performance of the ionomer system was superior to that of the hydrogen bonding system; 3) With increasing shear frequency,the drag-reduction rates of both the DRAs decreased,and the drag reduction rate of the ionomer system decreased more slowly than of the corresponding hydrogen bonding system.From the point of view of drag reduction rate and shear resistance property,the ionomer system is more promising than the hydrogen bonding system
在实际化工生产过程中 ,存在许多参数难以或无法用仪表直接检测 ,同时它们又需要加以严格控制 ,因此实际需要促进了软测量技术的产生和发展 .而用神经网络来建立软测量的模型 ,比其他方法有着不可比拟的优点 ,近年来 ,随着科技的进步 ,又出现了神经网络结合其他方法的软测量方法 .如神经网络与最小二乘法相结合 ,神经网络与模糊数学相结合 ,在实际应用中都得到了很好的效果 .本文采用PCA改进的BP算法建
入世对上海现有房地产业产生的冲击,主要在结构调整和企业竞争两方面: 结构调整一是指对现有房地产结构的调整;二是指随着入世后上海产业结构做适应性调整之后,房地产业必须
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