Interpretation of Temperature Profiles during Soak Periods in Steam-stimulated Wells

来源 :石油科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Free0412
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To address the problems existing in testing steam injection profiles in a steam-stimulated well during steam injection and production periods, this paper proposes that the temperature profile in the completion interval could be tested during the soak period. A mathematical model for calculating the vertical distribution of temperature in a single layer reservoir is established based on the temperature characteristics of steam stimulated reservoirs, and the vertical distribution of temperature in a single layer reservoir could be obtained and heat loss could be calculated.The temperature, which is disturbed by thermal conduction in a multilayer reservoir, and heat loss could be derived based on the superposition principle of temperature potential. This paper establishes a multilayer testing temperature profile interpretation method and interprets the actual test temperature profile of Well Gao 3-7-66. The results indicate that the temperature profile in the soak period can reflect the thermal absorption conditions in various reservoir beds.
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目的了解西安市高中生健康相关行为流行现状,为制定相关政策提供科学依据。方法采用自编健康相关行为调查问卷,对西安市4所高中1 476名高中生进行集体健康相关行为问卷调查。
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