Genetic and pathogenicity diversity of dengue virus type 2 strains circulating in Guangdong, China

来源 :生物安全与健康(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuhaoyingying
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Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease spread in tropical and subtropical regions caused by the dengue virus (DENV). DENV causes a febrile illness, severe forms including hemorrhagic fevers and shock with fatalities in humans. DENV-2 is frequently associated with severe dengue infections and epidemics. DENV-2 strains from Guangdong, China, have not been characterized to compare the phylogenetics and pathogenicity of different DENV-2 subgenotype strains n in both vitro and n vivo. A total of 22 patients tested to be DENV-2 positive and were enrolled in this study, 22 complete genomes were obtained by virus isolation and high-throughput sequencing. Phylogenetic and single amino polymorphism (SAP) analysis indicated that two major subgenotypes (A and C) of DENV-2 Cosmopolitan were prevalent in Guangdong in 2018. The apparent change of major subgenotypes of DENV-2 circulating in Guangdong indicated the diversity of DENV-2 strains, including endemic genotype and imported genotype. It alerted the risk of cross-border transmission of DENV. A significant difference in replication rate was observed in C6/36 between different DENV-2 strains, although growth kinetics comparison of different DENV-2 Cosmopolitan subgenotypes showed similar profiles. DENV-2 subgenotypes (A and C) replicated efficiently in IFNARn -/- C57BL/6 mice, and subgenotype A of Cosmopolitan infected mice showed increased weight loss and delayed viral clearance compared with the subgenotype C group. DENV-2 prevalent in Guangdong in 2018 showed apparent genetic and pathogenicity diversity n in both vitro and n vivo, indicating the necessity of molecular surveillance and exploration of the relationship between its pathogenicity and clinical characteristics.n “,”Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease spread in tropical and subtropical regions caused by the dengue virus (DENV). DENV causes a febrile illness, severe forms including hemorrhagic fevers and shock with fatalities in humans. DENV-2 is frequently associated with severe dengue infections and epidemics. DENV-2 strains from Guangdong, China, have not been characterized to compare the phylogenetics and pathogenicity of different DENV-2 subgenotype strains n in both vitro and n vivo. A total of 22 patients tested to be DENV-2 positive and were enrolled in this study, 22 complete genomes were obtained by virus isolation and high-throughput sequencing. Phylogenetic and single amino polymorphism (SAP) analysis indicated that two major subgenotypes (A and C) of DENV-2 Cosmopolitan were prevalent in Guangdong in 2018. The apparent change of major subgenotypes of DENV-2 circulating in Guangdong indicated the diversity of DENV-2 strains, including endemic genotype and imported genotype. It alerted the risk of cross-border transmission of DENV. A significant difference in replication rate was observed in C6/36 between different DENV-2 strains, although growth kinetics comparison of different DENV-2 Cosmopolitan subgenotypes showed similar profiles. DENV-2 subgenotypes (A and C) replicated efficiently in IFNARn -/- C57BL/6 mice, and subgenotype A of Cosmopolitan infected mice showed increased weight loss and delayed viral clearance compared with the subgenotype C group. DENV-2 prevalent in Guangdong in 2018 showed apparent genetic and pathogenicity diversity n in both vitro and n vivo, indicating the necessity of molecular surveillance and exploration of the relationship between its pathogenicity and clinical characteristics.n
目的:分析川渝地区石油单位工作人员健康体检中肺部结节检出情况,为石油单位工作人员早期肺癌筛查提供依据。方法:于2021年1月,回顾性收集2020年川渝地区健康体检中完成胸部低剂量螺旋CT (LDCT)的6 002名石油单位工作人员为研究对象,收集其影像学及临床资料,采用χn 2检验分析不同性别、年龄和工种间石油单位工作人员肺结节和疑似肺癌肺结节检出率的差异。n 结果:6 002名研究对象中,男性3 853名(64.2%),女性2 149名(35.8%),平均年龄(47.25±12.13)
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目的 探讨“π”理念运用于软式内镜洗消风险管理实践中的管理效果,提升软式内镜清洗、消毒效果.方法 选取2019年10月-2020年9月我院1000条软式内镜,按时间段分为试验组和对照组,各500条软式内镜;对照组实施传统清洗、消毒流程,试验组运用“π”理念对软式内镜的洗消过程进行风险管理,比较两组内镜清洗、消毒效果、细菌学监测、满意率,数据采用SPSS 18.0软件进行统计分析.结果 试验组清洗质量达标率为97.6%,消毒质量达标率为98.2%,显著高于对照组的85.2%、86.6%;试验组细菌学监测合格
目的 通过对门诊肠易激综合征(Irritable bowel syndrome,IBS)患者实施基于自我管理的健康管理干预,研究其对IBS患者心理状况、消化道症状、自我效能、精神状况、生活质量等的影响,提高IBS患者健康行为和降低就诊频率,保持良好的日常生活.方法 对门诊100例肠易激综合征随机分为对照组和干预组各50例,对干预组实施健康管理策略干预,对照组按常规电话随访和健康教育;分别于干预后1月和3月收集相关数据.结果 肠易激综合征患者实施干预策略后,生存质量得分高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.
目的:观察腹腔注射百草枯(PQ)构建的帕金森(PD)小鼠模型的肠道时间依赖性改变,初步建立脑肠轴的联系。方法:于2019年10月,将48只小鼠随机分为染毒4周(P-4)组、染毒6周(P-6)组、染毒8周(P-8)组、对照4周(C-4)组、对照6周(C-6)组、对照8周(C-8)组,每组6只。染毒组腹腔注射15 mg/kg PQ溶液,对照组腹腔注射生理盐水(0.2 ml/20 g),每周2次。分别于初始状态(0周)及4、6、8周末次给药后,通过神经行为学测试(旷场、爬杆、悬尾及高架十字迷宫实验)评估小鼠的情
目的:评估成人先天性腰骶部半椎体(lumbosacral hemivertebra,LSHV)行后路半椎体(hemivertebra,HV)切除长节段固定远端是否需要骨盆固定。方法:回顾性分析2005年4月至2019年8月接受后路HV切除长节段固定的成人LSHV患者32例,男12例,女20例;年龄(32.9±8.8)岁(范围21~44岁)。根据冠状面平衡(Coronal balance distance,CBD)分型:A型(术前CBD≤ 30 mm)15例,B型(术前CBD>30 mm且Cn 7