Compression Molded Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene-Hydroxyapatite-Aluminum Oxide-Carbon Nan

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:theonezhaoq
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Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene(UHMWPE) is widely used for articulating surfaces in total hip and knee replacements.In the present work,UHMWPE based polymer composites were synthesized by synergistic reinforcing of bioactive hydroxyapatite(HA),bioinert aluminum oxide(Al_2O_3),and carbon nanotubes(CNTs) using compression molding.Phase and microstructural analysis suggests retention of UHMWPE and reinforcing phases in the compression molded composites.Microstructural analysis elicited variation in densification due to the size effect of the reinforcing particles.The hybrid composites exhibited hardness, elastic modulus and toughness comparable to that of UHMWPE.The interfacial effect of reinforcement phases has evinced the effectiveness of Al_2O_3 over HA and CNT reinforcements,depicting synergistic enhancement in hardness and elastic modulus.Weak interfacial bonding of polymer matrix with HA and CNT requires utilization of coupling agents to achieve enhanced mechanical properties without deteriorating cytocompatible properties. UHMWPE based polymer composites were synthesized by synergistic reinforcing of bioactive hydroxyapatite (HA), bioinert aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3), and Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using compression molding. Phase and microstructural analysis suggests retention of UHMWPE and reinforcing phases in the compression molded composites. Microstructural analysis elicited variation in densification due to the size effect of the reinforcing particles. The hybrid composites show hardness, and toughness comparable to that of UHMWPE. The interfacial effect of reinforcement phases has evinced the effectiveness of Al 2 O 3 over HA and CNT reinforcements, describing synergistic enhancement in hardness and elastic modulus. Weak interfacial bonding of polymer matrix with HA and CNT requires utilization of coupling agents to achieve enhanced mechanical properti es without deteriorating cytocompatible properties.
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【摘要】本文依据新课程的理念论述了化学课程教学的三个特征:教学三维目标的统一性、学生课程学习的主动性及师生生命价值的彰显性。在课程教学中要突出这三个特征,关键在于教师对新课程理念的深刻理解与教师的创造性机智。  【关键词】三维目标 方法手段 生命价值  【中图分类号】G420  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1006——5962(2012)01(a)——0096——01  新课程教育的核心理念是
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