
来源 :秦汉研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HIT_Happy
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中国古代的都城是一个国家政治、经济、军事、文化的中心,尤其在中国古代早期,其政治功能更是占据主要地位。古代国家对外要求抵御外族入侵,对内要求制衡国中,确保百姓安居乐业,这就需要对都城的选址和营造提出严格要求。《管子·度地》云:“圣人之处国者,必于不侵之地。而择地形之肥饶者,乡山左右,经水若泽。” Ancient capital of China is a country’s political, economic, military and cultural center, especially in early ancient China, its political function is even more dominant. In ancient times, the external requirements of foreign countries to resist alien invasion, internally demanding checks and balances to ensure that people live and work in peace and contentment, which requires the location and construction of the capital city put forward strict requirements. “Pipe degree of” cloud: “Sage of the country, will be invading the land, and choose the fertile terrain, country hill, the water Jose. ”
AIM: To study the role of gastric mucosal ascorbic acid (AA) in the progression of acute gastric mucosal lesions induced by compound 48/80 (C48/80), a mast cell
应用支架治疗高位 (颈段、上胸段 )食管狭窄 ,尤其是术后肿瘤复发、瘢痕增生或合并食管 -气管瘘者 ,大量病例报道较少。我院自 1 996年~ 2 0 0 1年通过置放国产金属内支架治疗
读了吴耀平、孟国强先生《如何运用信息导向、加强企业经营决策》一文后,不禁引起了些联想。 记得幼时生病,延底扪脉。医生闭着眼睛,按了左手又按右手,又翻眼皮,又看舌苔,摸
Background: Few studies have examined how physicians perceive guidelines, much less their perceptions of an Internet presentation of such guidelines. This study
Objectives-The aim of this retrospective multicentric study was to assess the complications of the Longo technique for the treatment of haemorrhoidal disease. M