
来源 :儿童与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linyulan430
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城市学龄前儿童的营养状况如何?这是家长们关心的问题,也是有关部门人士所关注的问题。为此,某城市的医务人员深入到托儿所、幼儿园及家庭对这些儿童进行了调查和研究,共调查了1306名。学者们对0~6岁的儿童进行了体格检查,并对每日及每餐膳食情况进行了详细调查。 What is the nutritional status of urban preschool children? This is a concern for parents and a concern for departmental officials. To this end, a city medical staff went to nurseries, kindergartens and families conducted a survey and study of these children, a total of 1306 surveyed. Scholars conducted physical examinations of children aged 0-6, and conducted detailed surveys of daily and dietary diets.
The kinetics of the recombinant Coprinus cinereus peroxidase-catalyzed2-naphthol oxidationwas investigated in the presence of rhamnolipid biosurfactant JBR425 a
以二氧化硅负载高氯酸(HClO4-SiO2)为催化剂,醛与酰胺发生缩合反应得到了一系列N,N′-亚烷基双酰胺.该法操作简便、反应时间短、产率高和催化剂可重复使用. A series of N,
Objective: To compare IVF outcomes among women of different ethnic backgrounds. Method. This was a retrospective cohort study. Between August 1994 and March 199
OBJECTIVE: Hysterectomy is the most common major surgical procedure performed in the United States for nonobstetric reasons. Although most hysterectomies includ
唑仑膦酸 (zoledronicacid)的结构式如下 :检测了短期内唑仑膦酸酯 (zoledronate) 10 0mmol·L- 1单独使用或与他莫昔芬 (0 .0 1和 0 .1mmol·L- 1)或与紫杉醇 (2nmol·L- 1)合用作用于体外MCF7乳腺肿瘤细胞的效应。用唑
患者女,29岁,已婚1年半,无避孕措施,月经规则,从未生育,孕0产0,过去史无特殊.停经63 d就诊,尿液妊娠试验阳性,未出现不适.阴道实时超声检查子宫内未见孕囊,子宫内膜厚约8 mm,探及右卵巢旁21 mm混合性块物,多普勒提示周围血流较丰富,疑为"右输卵管妊娠",收治住院.间隔48 h后,化验血清β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-hCG),由2150 IU/L上升到2980 IU/L,孕酮15 ng
OBJECTIVE: To assess risk factors for legal induced abortion related deaths. METHODS: This is a descriptive epidemiologic study of women dying of complications
OBJECTIVE: Elevated counts of nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs), as well as prolongation of pregnancy, have been suggested as predictors of adverse perinatal ou