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我局造林处于今年六月二十八日发出了通知;关于“选定优良单株,营建树木种子园的作法要点”通知要求各地(州)农林局,林业局、林管站、各直属山区林场、天山西部林业局等各单位、通知说:“新疆落叶松和天山云杉是我区的两大主要用材树种.随着我区造林事业的飞速发展.种子需要量日益增加.我区历年来造林更新上所采用的种子都是一些混杂的群体.未经选育改良.严重影响今后新林的速生丰产.遵照毛主席关于“有了优良品种,即不增加劳动力、肥料,也可获得较多的收成”的教导.于一九七三年春开始.在各级党委的领导和关怀下.开展群众性选优会战.并在此基础上进行了良种繁育工作.填补了我区林木育种、良种繁育的空白.初步形成了一批林木良种基地.为落实“抓纲治国”的伟大战略决策,尽快实现林木良种化,促进林业生产的更好发展.首先,应从林木良种抓起.当前在选建采种田树林的同时,要狠抓一下营建树木种子园的工作.”根据近几年来各地营建树木种子园的经验,拟了一个作法要点.现刊登本刊.希望在完成一九七八年种子园的任务及今后营建树木种子园工作中参考.”并请在实际工作中不断总结.并把经验函告我们. The afforestation office of our bureau issued a circular on June 28 this year. The Circular on “Essential Practices in Selecting Excellent Individual Plants and Establishing a Tree Seed Orchard” requires all local (state) Agriculture and Forestry Bureau, forestry bureau, forest management station, Forest Farm, Tianshan Western Forestry Bureau and other units, the circular said: “Xinjiang larch and Tianshan spruce are my two major timber species. With the rapid development of afforestation in our area. Increasing demand for seeds. My calendar area The seeds used for reforestation are mixed populations, which have not been improved without selection and seriously affected the fast-growing and high-yielding of new forests in the future. In accordance with Chairman Mao’s statement that ”with excellent varieties, that is, without increasing labor force and fertilizer, More harvests. “Since the spring of 1973, under the leadership and care of party committees at all levels, mass campaign campaigns have been conducted, and seed breeding has been carried out on the basis of this. , A good breed of breeding .A preliminary formation of a number of forest seed base .In order to implement the ”strategic guide to rule the country,“ the great strategic decision as soon as possible to achieve better seed production of forestry, and promote better development of forestry production.First, from the forest At the same time, we should pay close attention to the work of building tree seed orchards. ”According to the experience of establishing tree seed orchards in various places in recent years, we have proposed a key point of practice. In the completion of the task of the 1978 seed orchard and the future construction of the tree seed orchard reference. "And please continue to summarize the actual work, and the experience to us.
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