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节约能源和促进环境保护是我国经济和社会发展中面临的重要课题。进行交通和车辆税费改革,既可以节约能源,也有利于环境保护。一、开征燃油税,实行“多用路者多负担,少用路者少负担”原则,能够促使车辆拥有者和使用者采取措施,降低油耗,节约开支,从而有利于节约能源;二、实行税费改革,交通基础设施维护和建设有了稳定的资金来源,特别是通过加强和改善对这部分资金管理以后,将提高资金使用效益,从而加速道路和交通基础设施建设,不断提高道路等级,实现交通通畅,这不仅能够降 Saving energy and promoting environmental protection are important issues facing our economic and social development. Carrying on the traffic and vehicle tax reform can not only save energy, but also benefit the environment. First, the introduction of fuel tax, the implementation of “multi-purpose road users more burden, less road users less burden ” principle, to promote vehicle owners and users to take measures to reduce fuel consumption and save expenses, which is conducive to energy conservation; Implementation of tax reform, transportation infrastructure maintenance and construction of a stable source of funds, especially by strengthening and improving the management of this part of the funds will increase the efficiency of capital use, thereby speeding up the construction of roads and transport infrastructure, and continuously improve the road level , To achieve smooth traffic, which can not only be reduced
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总难忘贵德小城丫. 啊,无论我离别多久, 祝福她的美好前程。 我在远方深深地祝福, 乡情是那么亲近, 岁月是那么悠远, 道路是爱的延伸, 农舍是那么纯朴, 我难忘贵德小城。 离
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一九九九年十一月一日川府发[1999]62号省政府同意省财政厅、省扶贫开发办公室《关于进一步加强财政扶贫资金使用和管理工作的意见》,现批转你们,请遵照执行。 November 1,
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