An Analysis on Discourse,Knowledge and Power

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chzhao2005
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Knowledge,discourse and power are the most important concepts in Michel Foucault’ s theory.Through analyzing Michel Foucault’ s theory of power,more clear relations thus are procured pertaining to knowledge,discourse and power. Knowledge, discourse and power are the most important concepts in Michel Foucault’s theory. Through analyzing Michel Foucault’s theory of power, more clear relations thus are procured pertaining to knowledge, discourse and power.
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初见刘树枫,就被他的平和所感染。翻看他的画时,耳边就会想起他温和的声音:“看一幅画很容易,但要读懂却很难,有时需要很多人,读很多遍才能读懂。” First saw Liu Shufeng,