青春不老 青联常青——纪念中华全国青年联合会成立六十周年

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全国青联是中国共产党领导下的我国基本人民团体之一,是以中国共产主义青年团为核心力量的各青年团体的联合组织,是我国各族各界青年广泛的爱国统一战线组织。1936年11月1日,中共中央发布了《关于青年工作的决定》,决定把共青团改造成为广大青年群众的抗日救国组织——青年救国会。1937年4月2日,中共中央在延安召开了西北青年第一次救国代表大会,建立了西北青年救国联合会的组织。1948年9月,中共中央在西柏坡召开政治局会议,讨论1949年上半年召开全国青年代表大会、成立中华全国青年联合会的问题。1949年5月4日,中华全国第一次青年代表大会在北京隆重召开,正式宣告全国青联诞生。大会发表了《宣言》,选举出中华全国民主青年联合总会第一届委员会,通过了全国青联章程。出席大会的代表552名,廖承志当选为第一届全国青联主席。 The All China Youth Federation is one of China’s basic people’s groups under the leadership of the CPC and a coalition of youth organizations with the Chinese Communist Youth League as its core strength. It is an organization of broad-ranging patriotic united front among young people of all nationalities in all walks of life in our country. On November 1, 1936, the CPC Central Committee issued the “Decision on Youth Work” and decided to transform the Communist Youth League into a youth-friendly national salvation organization for the broad masses of young people. On April 2, 1937, the CPC Central Committee held the first national salvation conference for young people in northwest China in Yan’an and set up the Northwest Youth Saving Association. In September 1948, the CPC Central Committee held a meeting of the Politburo in Xibaipo to discuss the convening of the National Youth Congress in the first half of 1949 and the establishment of the All-China Youth Federation. On May 4, 1949, the first youth congress of China held a grand ceremony in Beijing, officially announcing the birth of the All-China Youth Federation. The General Assembly issued the “Declaration”, elected the All-China Youth Federation first session of the General Assembly, adopted the All-China Youth Federation constitution. 552 delegates attended the conference and Liao Chengzhi was elected as the chairman of the first All-China Youth Federation.
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