,Effects of annealing temperature on shape transformation and optical properties of germanium quantu

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qy19871120wr
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The influences of thermal annealing on the structural and optical features of radio frequency (rf) magnetron sputtered self-assembled Ge quantum dots (QDs) on Si (100) are investigated. Preferentially oriented structures of Ge along the (220) and (111) directions together with peak shift and reduced strain (4.9%to 2.7%) due to post-annealing at 650 ?C are disceed from x-ray differaction (XRD) measurement. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images for both pre-annealed and post-annealed (650?C) samples reveal pyramidal-shaped QDs (density~0.26×1011 cm?2) and dome-shape morphologies with relatively high density~0.92 × 1011 cm?2, respectively. This shape transformation is attributed to the mechanism of inter-diffusion of Si in Ge interfacial intermixing and strain non-uniformity. The annealing temperature assisted QDs structural evolution is explained using the theory of nucleation and growth kinetics where free energy minimization plays a pivotal role. The observed red-shift ~0.05 eV in addition to the narrowing of the photoluminescence peaks results from thermal annealing, and is related to the effect of quantum confinement. Furthermore, the appearance of blue-violet emission peak is ascribed to the recombination of the localized electrons in the Ge-QDs/SiO2 or GeOx and holes in the ground state of Ge dots. Raman spectra of both samples exhibit an intense Ge–Ge optical phonon mode which shifts towards higher frequency compared with those of bulk counterpart. Experimental Raman profile is fitted to the models of phonon confinement and size distribution combined with phonon confinement to estimate the mean dot sizes. A correlation between thermal annealing and modifications of structural and optical behavior of Ge QDs is established. Tunable growth of Ge QDs with superior properties suitable for optoelectronic applications is demonstrated.
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今天,老师带领我们一起走进数学实验室,开展了一次拼图验证公式的活动,大家热情高涨. 实验课上,按照老师的指导,我所在的学习小组也对拼图做了一些尝试,现把结果与大家分享如下.  一、 拼图寻卡片  实验工具:如图1,正方形卡片A类、B类和长方形卡片C类各有若干张.  实验目的:如果要拼一个长为(a 2b)、宽为(a b)的大长方形,那么需要C类卡片______张.  1. 拼图  我们先按照定下的大
因式分解与整式乘法可不一样,它与整式乘法的运算顺序正好相反,需要把一个多项式写成几个整式积的形式. 通过这段时间的学习,我对因式分解颇有心得,现介绍给大家,希望共同进步!  问题:甲同学有很强的观察能力,看出了“题”中的完全平方公式,很了不起!但遗憾的是他没有先提取公因式,再用完全平方公式,导致最后的结果还能继续分解,“革命”不彻底!  建议:首先观察代数式中的各项有没有公因式,如果有,就应该先提