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在全球范围内的军工转民用的大趋势下,中国军工企业按照国家提出的“军民结合”方针,大步走向国民经济建设的主战场,遥遥走在了国际军品转民品的前面。转移民用成效突出早在70年代末,当西方国家仍在竞相展开军备竞赛时,中国政府就看到了和平与发展是大势所趋。中国率先裁军100万人。缩减对军品的订货量,中国国防工业开始向民用转移。经过10多年的发展,成效突出:一是大幅度压缩了军品生产,大幅度开发、转产民品,所有军工企业都建立起民品生产线,部分军工企业已经完全特为生产氏品。军工企业民品产值已经达到总产值的80%以上;二是成功地实施了“三线调整计划”,三线军工企业经营环境得到了很大改善。目前,中国国防工业的民品生产已形成了相当的规模,基本实现了从“单一军品型”向“军民经合型”的转变。据统计,全 Under the general trend of military-to-civilian transfer on a global scale, Chinese military-industrial enterprises have taken a big stride toward the main battlefield of national economic construction in accordance with the “combination of military and civilian policies” proposed by the state, and have gone far ahead of international military-to-civilian products. The effectiveness of the transfer of civilian use was prominent as early as the end of the 1970s. When Western countries were still competing for an arms race, the Chinese government saw peace and development as the general trend. China has taken the lead in disarmament by 1 million people. To reduce the amount of orders for military products, China’s defense industry began to shift to civilian use. After more than 10 years of development, the following achievements have been made: First, the production of military products has been greatly reduced, and the development and transfer of civilian products have been greatly reduced. All military-industrial enterprises have established production lines for civilian products, and some military enterprises have been completely specializing in the production of generic products. The output value of civilian products of military enterprises has reached more than 80% of the total output value. Second, the “three-line adjustment plan” has been successfully implemented, and the operating environment of the third-line military enterprises has been greatly improved. At present, the civilian production of China’s defense industry has reached a considerable scale, basically achieving the transition from a “single military product type” to a “military-military economic cooperation type.” According to statistics,
各省辖市人民政府 ,省人民政府各部门 :省计委、经贸委制订的《河南省关于贯彻落实国家〈燃料乙醇及车用乙醇汽油“十五”发展专项规划〉实施意见》已经省政府同意 ,现转发给
云南汽车交易市场: 云南汽车交易市场2003年2月份销售各型车辆1019辆,完成总交易金额16865.47万元,比上月销售略有增长,虽增长幅度不大,但比去年同期增长近37%,同样显示出强
乳品行业在2003年保持了高速增长。从前三季度来看,国内乳业销售收入增长超过33%,预计全年可保持在30%以上,在食品饮料行业中稳稳占据第一的位置。全行业利润总 The dairy in