Full-scale tests of wind effects on a long span roof structure

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdn20907
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Full-scale measurements are regarded as the most reliable method to evaluate wind effects on large buildings and structures. Some selected results are presented in this paper from the full-scale measurement of wind effects on a long-span steel roof structure during the passage of Typhoon Fanapi. Some fi eld data, including wind speed and direction, acceleration responses, etc., were continuously and simultaneously recorded during the passage of the typhoon. Comprehensive analysis of the measured data is conducted to evaluate the typhoon-generated wind characteristics and its effects on a long-span steel roof. The fi rst four natural frequencies and their vibration mode shapes of the Guangzhou International Sports Arena(GISA) roof are evaluated by the stochastic subspace identifi cation(SSI) method and comparisons with those from fi nite element(FE) analysis are made. Meanwhile, damping ratios of the roof are also identifi ed by the SSI method and compared with those identifi ed by the random decrement method; the amplitude-dependent damping behaviors are also discussed. The fullscale measurement results are further compared with the corresponding wind tunnel test results to evaluate its reliability. The results obtained from this study are valuable for academic and professional engineers involved in the design of large-span roof structures. Full-scale measurements are the most reliable method to evaluate wind effects on large buildings and structures. Some selected results are presented in this paper from the full-scale measurement of wind effects on a long-span steel roof structure during the passage of Typhoon Fanapi. Some fi eld data, including wind speed and direction, acceleration responses, etc., were continuously and simultaneously recorded during the passage of the typhoon. Comprehensive analysis of the measured data is conducted to evaluate the typhoon-generated wind characteristics and its effects on a long-span steel roof. The fi rst four natural frequencies and their vibration mode shapes of the Guangzhou International Sports Arena (GISA) roof are evaluated by the stochastic subspace identifier (SSI) method and comparisons with those from fi nite element (FE) analysis are made. Meanwhile, damping ratios of the roof are also identifi ed by the SSI method and compared with those identifi ed by the The decremental method of the amplitude-dependent damping behaviors is also discussed. The fullscale measurement results are also compared with the corresponding wind tunnel test results to evaluate its reliability. The results obtained from this study are valuable for academic and professional engineers involved in the design. of large-span roof structures.
摘 要:角色游戏是儿童发展自我意识、摆脱以自我为中心、促进社会交往能力的重要途径。然而,听障儿童听力的缺陷,使其交往和互动有困难。教师介入得比较多,导致儿童的自主参与性较低,使得游戏真正的作用并没有被发挥出来。本文针对听障儿童参与角色游戏的自主性进行探讨,分析并提出几点指导策略。  关键词:听障儿童;角色游戏;指导策略  角色游戏创造性地再现周围生活并且不受成人的控制,非常适合听障儿童,受到听障儿
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机遇不是“110”,一拨就来;机遇也不是万能开关,一按电钮就到,甚至还有些脆弱和易碎。所以,重要的是冷静、理智和不屈不挠。 Opportunity is not “110”, a call to come;