
来源 :音乐研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivsou
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1996年 ,我国新疆且末县扎滚鲁克地区出土了两件公元前5世纪左右的木制箜篌 ,这一重大发现轰动了整个世界 ,它们不仅是目前我国境内惟一现存的古代箜篌实物 ②,而且把我国有实物可考的箜篌历史向前推进到了春秋战国时期。且末箜篌的形制与两河流域及阿尔泰地区的竖琴有很多相似之处 ,它的发现 ,对于探究远古时期中西音乐交流乃至整个中外文化交流史都具有重大的意义。与且末箜篌相对应 ,1947年,在原苏联阿尔泰地区的巴泽雷克古墓中 ,也出土了一件木制箜篌。它不仅与我国且末箜篌在年代上非常接近 (公元前4世纪左右 ) ,而且在形制结构上也有着很多相似之处。那么 ,在公元前5—4世纪 ,中国西部与阿尔泰地区、两河流域乃至欧洲大陆有着怎样的文化交流 ?当时的途径又是什么 ?带着这些问题 ,笔者查阅了近五十年来的相关专著和学术期刊 ,其中除几篇刊登在非音乐类学术刊物上的文章对且末箜篌略作分析外 ③,音乐类学术期刊尚未见文章对且末箜篌的来源进行系统性研究。在查找国外与此课题相关的研究的过程中 ,笔者发现了这篇由美国纽约大学汉特学院著名学者博·劳厄格伦教授 (B.Lawergren)撰写的研究文章④ ,经作者许可 ,笔者对该文进行了编译。 In 1996, two wooden scullies about the 5th century BC were unearthed in the Zhalulu area of ​​Qiemo County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The discovery was a sensation of the entire world. They are not only the existing existing ancient shy 篌 篌 in our country, Moreover, it has pushed forward the history of the emperor of our country, which has the real material test, to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. And the final shape of the two rivers and the Altai area harp has many similarities, its discovery, for the exploration of ancient Chinese and Western music exchange and the entire history of Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges are of great significance. And in the end and corresponding, in 1947, in the former Soviet Altai area Bazereike tomb, also unearthed a wooden scull. It is not only very close to the last days of our country (around the 4th century BC), but also has many similarities in terms of the structure and structure. So, in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, what kind of cultural exchange did China have with the Altai region, the two rivers and even the European continent? What were the ways at that time? With these questions, the author consulted the related monographs of nearly 50 years And academic journals, with the exception of several articles published in non-music academic journals that have not yet been thoroughly analyzed. There has been no systematic review of the origin of the jubilant articles in music journals. In the process of finding out the research related to this subject abroad, I found the research article written by B. Lawyer Gren, a famous scholar of the Hanter Institute at New York University. According to author’s permission, author The article was compiled.
【正】 处方:花椒(研碎制粉)、氧化锌粉各适量。 配制:花椒先研末过筛,与氧化锌粉混均即可。 用量:花椒粉、氧化锌量的选用,一般根据创面大小、糜烂、渗出轻重而定。氧化锌量